August 05, 2019

Twatter bans users who post "Don't let Russia interfere in 2020"--including users testing that

Every one of the most popular social media organs is hard left.

Of course you don't believe that.  You think it's tinfoil-hat, right-wing-conspiracy stuff.  For example, you can't believe Twatter would remove "tweets" calling for something as reasonable as "Don't let Russia interfere in 2020."  Read on:

Twitter is now suspending anyone who posts anything remotely supporting voter ID laws.

After several posters complained that Twitter banned them for posting an image that reads “Don’t Let Russia Interfere in 2020,” other Twatter users tested that claim.  Sure enough, even posters who simply referred the question of Twatter banning those who used "Don't let Russia interfere in 2020" were also banned for short periods.

F**k all the social-media outlets.  They hate the United States, at least as you've known it.  Hard to know why.  My guess is that their executives are engaging in "virtue signalling." 

That's the most charitable explanation.  The others are...less charitable.  A lot less. 

Here's another finding that should shock you:  a study published in 2014 found that about one-fourth of non-U.S. citizens who responded said they were registered to vote.

What percentage of non-U.S. citizens do you think favor Democratic candidates--the ones who supporting giving them free...everything, including amnesty, then citizenship?

Sure:  they'll logically vote for Democrats, by a huge margin.  It stands to reason that Democrats would loudly oppose any form of voter-ID laws.

This isn't hard to follow.  Doesn't require a PhD in logic or philosophy.  No one should find this logic even remotely challenging.  And yet...the Democrat party is consistently able to block voter-ID laws.


And now they've gotten Twatter to ban people for even posting that they support voter-ID laws.


Read 'em and weep, citizens.  The courts and social media are selling you out as fast as they can.

But by all means, vote Democrat, citizen.  Cuz we need open borders, and taxpayer-funded medical care for illegal invaders.  And amnesty and citizenship for all illegals in the U.S.  Cuz as Nancy Pelosi--the f'n leader of the Democrat party--puts it:  "Diversity is our strength."


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