August 04, 2019

Dean of humanities in Cali says to solve "climate change" we need...humanities grad students??

Whenever you think the Left couldn't get any dumber, they outdo themselves.

In the latest example, the dean of the school of humanities at Cal Irvine has written an article proposing that humanities   It's titled

Why science needs the humanities to solve climate change

This clever academic has realized the obvious: that there's a lot for anyone willing to push the globalist/socialist line that CO2 generated by human activity is causing the planet to warm both dangerously and unusually.  As in, the planet has never gotten this warm before, and it's your fault.

He then complains that the latest report of the Globull Warmie scammers only devotes TEN pages to "climate ethics, social justice and human values."  Seriously.
Of course, science is essential for understanding climate change, and technology is critical for solving the problem.  But the IPCC report spends little more than 10 pages on climate ethics, social justice and human values. We worry that overemphasis on science may hamper the design of effective climate solutions.
Yes, you read that right.  We don't want to "overemphasize science" cuz that would be bad.
In our view, solving the world’s climate problems will require tapping into brainpower beyond science. That’s why the two of us – an ecologist and a humanities dean – are teaming up to rethink climate solutions. Recently we developed a program to embed humanities graduate students in science teams....
Notice that after saying we need to tap "brainpower," they're not pushing for PhDs in humanities to get on this gravy train, but merely "grad students."  And there's a reason.

So far, scientific facts have not motivated Americans to support the huge societal transformations needed to stop climate change. Some reject the scientific consensus on global warming because it makes them feel bad or clashes with their personal experience of the weather.

By tapping into what moves people, the emerging field of environmental humanities can help spur climate action.
Translation:  Screaming that "the science is SETTLED, you dummies," and "We're all gonna DIE in ten years if you don't listen to us!" struck most rational Americans as utter bullshit, so we're gonna find better ways to scare 'em.

Amazing.  But totally predictable.

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