Demonstrators; "We need the 2nd Amendment." But not in the U.S.
The above pic shows a protester carrying a sign reading "We need the 2nd Amendment."
Carrying this sign in the U.S. would get the man carrying it put on the FBI's "domestic terrorist watch list." But astonishingly, the protester isn't in the U.S., but in Chinese-ruled Hong Kong.
In the U.S, Democrats and marxists have been trying to ban private citizens from owning guns for a couple of decades now. They've managed to convince half the public that guns are awful, eeevil things, far too dangerous to be owned or carried by ordinary citizens, see. The Democrats have even managed to convince gullible voters that two clearly insane lies are actually true: First, that passing a law banning private ownership of guns will keep criminals from having and using them; and second, that putting "This is a gun-free zone" will keep nuts or thugs with guns out.
Honestly, it's hard to believe anyone is dumb enough to believe either of the Dems' claims noted above, and yet...half the public does.
The demonstrators in Hong Kong are smarter: They know that unarmed citizens haven't got a prayer of defeating soldiers with guns. And if you haven't heard, the Chinese have already moved troops to Hong Kong's border. If the pro-freedom demonstrations continue much longer, the Chinese leaders will almost certainly send in the troops, as they did in Tien An Minh square 30 years ago, killing thousands.
The people of Hong Kong know what they're facing, and fervently wish they had weapons to at least make the soldiers pause. But they don't. And they know that without guns, they don't have a prayer.
But vote Democrat, citizen. Because guns are icky, and too dangerous for citizens to own.
Really. Trust your betters.
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