Unbelievable: NYTimes launches campaign to totally villify the Founders, and the U.S.
When most Americans think of why and how the United States was founded, they probably think of the
Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
It probably won't surprise many of you to learn that the New York Times wants to change that. The leftist assholes at the Times want you to believe the country was actually founded in 1619, when the first Africans were brought to Virginia, to be sold as slaves. And to believe our nation was founded on racism.
To do this the Times has created what they call the 1619 Project. Right now that link shows you a series of essays. The first starts "Our democracy's founding ideals were false when they were written." The next starts, "...to understand the brutality of American capitalism you have to start on the plantation." And it goes downhill from there.
Next is "America holds on to the undemocratic assumption from its founding that some people deserve more power than others." Really? Is that why you have morons in congress? Is that why we elected a half-black president whose only known real job (no, editor of Hahvahd Law Review was an AA hire) was "community organizer"? What utter nonsense.
Next: "Why doesn't the United States have universal health care? The answer begins with policies enacted after the Civil War." No, cupcake, the answer is that until you f'n marxissts and dumb-ass Democrats realized you could bribe idiots to vote for you by promising 'em free shit (which is how the marxists in Europe did the same thing), it never occurred to the Founders that anyone was responsible for anyone else's outcomes. Voluntary help? Sure. But by taxes taken by law (i.e. at threat of jail time for anyone who refuses to pay)? No way. The Founders beleived in individual effort, and freedom. You Democrats don't. Simple.
I won't bother listing the rest, though you should probably click the link (repeated here) to verify that I'm not making this shit up. The people at the Times want to help Democrats rule, which will unavoidably destroy this country, at least as a viable entity. Which is what the marxists want.
UPDATE: Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris swooned over this anti-American fantasy.
It probably won't surprise many of you to learn that the New York Times wants to change that. The leftist assholes at the Times want you to believe the country was actually founded in 1619, when the first Africans were brought to Virginia, to be sold as slaves. And to believe our nation was founded on racism.
To do this the Times has created what they call the 1619 Project. Right now that link shows you a series of essays. The first starts "Our democracy's founding ideals were false when they were written." The next starts, "...to understand the brutality of American capitalism you have to start on the plantation." And it goes downhill from there.
Next is "America holds on to the undemocratic assumption from its founding that some people deserve more power than others." Really? Is that why you have morons in congress? Is that why we elected a half-black president whose only known real job (no, editor of Hahvahd Law Review was an AA hire) was "community organizer"? What utter nonsense.
Next: "Why doesn't the United States have universal health care? The answer begins with policies enacted after the Civil War." No, cupcake, the answer is that until you f'n marxissts and dumb-ass Democrats realized you could bribe idiots to vote for you by promising 'em free shit (which is how the marxists in Europe did the same thing), it never occurred to the Founders that anyone was responsible for anyone else's outcomes. Voluntary help? Sure. But by taxes taken by law (i.e. at threat of jail time for anyone who refuses to pay)? No way. The Founders beleived in individual effort, and freedom. You Democrats don't. Simple.
I won't bother listing the rest, though you should probably click the link (repeated here) to verify that I'm not making this shit up. The people at the Times want to help Democrats rule, which will unavoidably destroy this country, at least as a viable entity. Which is what the marxists want.
UPDATE: Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris swooned over this anti-American fantasy.
We must speak this truth: the very foundation of our country was built on the backs of enslaved people.— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) August 18, 2019
The #1619Project—in print today in the Sunday @nytimes—is a masterpiece from @nhannahjones and her colleagues at @NYTmag. pic.twitter.com/cBsSN69rb3
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