August 12, 2019

Elizabeth Warren rolls out her gun-control proposal

WASHINGTON  D.C.-- At a packed press conference this morning Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren released details of her well-reasoned, multi-faceted proposal to reduce gun deaths in the U.S. by 80 percent.

"After the recent mass shootings it's obvious that voters are ready to welcome my well-reasoned proposals to reduce gun deaths," Warren said.  "And we definitely need a multi-faceted approach, since white supremacists and racists will use every means to try to get the guns they desperately crave."

Some highlights of Warren's proposal include:
  • All guns would have to be registered.  Anyone who refused would fined $10,000.
  • "Assault weapons" would be banned.  Owners who refused to turn in assault weapons would be fined $10,000 and jailed for five years.
  • 30-day waiting period for anyone seeking to buy a gun, to give the FBI time to perform a far more thorough background check than at present;
  • All gun owners would be required to carry liability insurance covering injuries or deaths caused by anyone stealing the gun--a feature Warren says will make people lock up their guns;
  • Anyone who has posted anything on social media criticizing Democrats, socialism or Islam would be barred from buying a gun;
  • Pro-gun organizations like the NRA and Gun Owners of America would be banned from making political contributions to members of congress or candidates for any political office;
  • Anyone who served in a combat position in the military would be banned from holding office;
  • $100 tax on all handguns;
  • Semi-automatic weapons banned; owners who refused to turn in their weapons would be fined $10,000 and jailed for five years;
  • Ammunition taxed at $5 per bullet;
Democrat candidate Kamala Harris immediately supported every element of Warren's proposal but criticized Warren for not going far enough.  "I would add that only single-shot weapons would be allowed," she said.  "After all, the only time anyone would need a weapon that fired more than one shot before having to reload would be in war--and our cities should NOT be war zones!  It's tragic that our children are being killed by white supremacists invading our black neighborhoods, as in Chicago."

Now, which of the above proposals would you guess is really part of Warrens "multi-faceted approach" and which is satire?


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