August 11, 2019

NY Post claims no video of Epstein death--not even a camera trained on the cell

I found this report yesterday from another source, but it was so inconceivable that I didn't post it then.  Now the NY Post is confirming it, so perhaps it's true.  In any case, here tis:

All the elites who were sneering that there wasn't a thing unusual about Epstein's death--hey, suicide, eh?--assured us that surveillance video would show him hanging himself.  So I know they'll be shocked--as you will, citizen--to learn that it turns out the jail has no surveillance video of the incident, according to law-enforcement officials contacted by The Post today.

Got that?  The feds have the most important witness in the country in jail, and not only do they not have the guy under direct visual observation, they don't even have a camera on his cell??


This is just like the f'n Dallas cops letting Jack Ruby into the station so he could kill Lee Harvey Oswald.  It's beyond belief.

Now, I know Democrats and leftists and Trump-haters are gonna whine that this does NOT show a scintilla of hint that the Deep-State-run correction center, in 100-percent-Democrat-ruled New York City, carried out a hit on the guy who could have sunk them for two decades--that it's simply due to incompetence.

Yeah, dat's it.  Incompetence.

Oh, I'll readily agree that Democrat officials are incompetent, but THIS level of incompetence boggles the mind.  Sorry, not buyin' it.

So the next question is, will there be a serious investigation?  And I think we all know the answer:  Not only no, but hell no.  Oh, they'll go thru the motions, but the findings have already been written: Suicide.  And thus the case is totally closed.

To be sure, attorneys for the girls he "employed" will launch endless lawsuits against the estate, which will take years to settle but won't change the official cause of death.

The elites aren't even bothering to hide their lawlessness anymore.

You'd think they might be worried about angry citizens coming after them.  Hey, that's what gun confiscation is for.


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