TV personality forced to apologize for saying 3-year-olds shouldn't be allowed to pick their gender
How crazy are the Left and Democrats? Latest example:
A person who appears on TV said he didn't think 3-year-olds should be allowed to "choose their gender." The Left screamed that he was a terrible person for saying that. today's society, what could you guess happened next?
The pro-trannie mafia leaned on NBC, which told the guy to apologize. And sure enough, he made a govelling apology, saying
“I have been and always will be an ardent supporter of the LGBTQ community, and I am going to use this opportunity to better educate myself. Moving forward I will be more informed and thoughtful.”To review: the guy was forced to apologize for saying that he didnt think 3-year-olds should be allowed to decide they should be permitted to mimic the opposite sex.
Seems to me that amounts to the Left saying that if a 3-year-old boy says he's really a girl, the tranny mafia should be able to drug him to make the fake happen.
If a 3-year-old said "I wanna jump off that cliff," no rational adult would say "Go ahead," let alone "Here, let me help you." Yet that's what's being pushed by the tranny mafia.
Adults have seemingly agreed that we won't allow kids to drive until they reach 15 or so. We won't allow kids to drink alcohol until age 18, and I understand some states won't let people buy a gun until they're at least 21. And yet the tranny mafia wants to let 3-year-olds decide that they wanna change sex.
This is stupid. The purpose is to get rational people to accept irrational things--which eventually become law, with fines or jail time for people who don't obey. In New York City you can be fined for not referring to a fucked-up person by whatever pronoun they demand.that you use.
People make stupid decisions all the time. Since younger people don't have much experience, they make a LOT of stupid decisions. For any adult to seriously claim that a decision made by a 3-year-old to change his or her sex must be honored is flatly insane.
And for liberals, Democrats, socialists, marxists and assorted types to DEMAND that the rest of us bow to their DEMAND that decisions made by 3-year-olds be honored shows that they're as insane as the tranny mafia.
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