August 06, 2019

Ban private ownership of guns! But how many Americans are murdered by guns each year?

Just saw one of the infinite number of examples of a leftist/Democrat leader deliberately misleading listeners to demonize guns:  Appearing on the Five, Donna Brazile just said guns were responsible for "35,000 deaths per year in the U.S."

"OMG!! 35,000 innocent Americans murdered by guns every year?!  That's ghastly!"

And as all the leftist publications eagerly tell you, that figure puts the U.S. roughly 5th in the world in gun deaths per capita.

But wait...were 35,000 Americans really murdered by guns last year?

No.  Not even close.  According to the FBI, in 2015 the actual number of Americans killed by firearms of all types was...wait for it...9,616.

Of course you don't believe this, cuz the Lying Mainstream Media have been screaming at you for years that the "real" number is...per Donna Brazile...35,000.  Hmm....Who's lying?

Well, here are the FBI figures for
  • 2011:  8,653
  • 2012   8,897
  • 2013   8,454
  • 2014   8,312  and
  • 2015   9,616
By comparison, according to the San Jose Mercury News, in 2015--the most recent year for which I could find claimed official figures--there were 22,018 suicides by firearm.  So a reasonable guess is that for 2018 just under 10,000 were murdered by guns of all types.

"OMG!!  Almost 10,000 innocent Americans were murdered by guns!!  That's ghastly!! a population of 340 million or so, is that a big number?

Of course if your wife or child or husband or parent was murdered it's awful.  But in 2015 more than three times more Americans (33,381) died in accidental falls.  Over three times more Americans (36,161) were killed in car wrecks than were murdered by guns.

Oh, and the 9,616 figure puts the U.S. way, way down on the ranked list of nations for gun murders:  For example, National Public Radio claims that in 2017 the U.S. had 4.43 "deaths from gun violence" per 100,000 people, which if true would rank the U.S. 28th in the world.  But notice how carefully the heading is worded:  "deaths from gun violence" includes suicides by gun. 

It seems reasonable to assume that someone intent on committing suicide are unlikely to be dissuaded by lack of access to a gun.  So if one considers murders by gun as being the real problem, the rate falls to about 2.9 per 100,000.

Of course if the U.S. ranks, say, 100th in gun murders that doesn't light a fire under dumb-ass liberals, who believe anything that can be dangerous should be banned. 

Well, except illegal drugs.  Don't you DARE tell liberals they can't use any drug they want.


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