August 06, 2019

Fakebook execs denied "shadow-banning" but has gotten a *patent* on that technique! And...

It's been reported that 128.9 million Americans--41 percent of the population--have a Fakebook account.  About 128 million of those only use Fakebook to post pics of the kids or grandchildren, or pets, or "what I did today."  But a few Americans post about things they think are horribly wrong with Democrat policies.

Fakebook bans those people, claiming their posts are "hate speech."

Interestingly, Fakebook doesn't have a usable definition of what they'll call "hate speech."  For example, users can post screeds calling for the president to be killed, and not get banned.  By stark contrast, other users who have merely posted a pic of foreigners climbing over our southern border have been accused of "hate speech" and banned.  In other words, the leftist a$$holes at Fakebook have ruled that posting an entirely true pic is "hate speech"--if they don't like the information the pic contains.

Cool, eh?  And 99% of Americans simply shrug--cuz they're not being affected.

Cunningly, bans for anything Fakebooks' goons call "hate speech" start with short terms--a day or a week or so--but with a warning that if Fakebook deems that the user tries to post a second instance of what the goons term "hate speech," the ban goes to 90 days.  A third instance will result in Fakebook deleting your account.

Okay, most Americans have probably heard at least something about this.  But unless you're a conservative who posts to Fakebook you've probably never heard of a thing called "shadow banning."

"Shadow banning" was revealed by conservative users, who discovered that although things they posted to their Fakebook account were visible on their computer, those same posts didn't appear when other people viewed their page.

Let me say that again, cuz it's diabolically brilliant:  The poster saw all their posts; all seemed normal.  But their posts didn't appear to people looking at their page.  It was a deliberate ruse--a fraud.  And I'm surprised no one has sued 'em yet.

Not that Fakebook would care, of course.  But it would make one hellofa class action suit, eh?

"But wait, there's more."

Last April Fakebook executives were called before Congress and questioned about the practice.

They denied that they'd ever "shadow-banned" anyone.  This despite hundreds of user-documented instances of it.

Facebook’s public policy director told the Senate panel “Facebook does not favor one political viewpoint over another, nor does Facebook suppress conservative speech.” 

How...interesting.  Cuz back in 2015 Fakebook applied for a U.S. patent for "a method of blocking a users’ posts or comments from everyone except the user who made the post or comment."

But of course they've NEVER used that technique.  Just went to the expense of applying for a patent cuz, reasons.  And on July 16th the patent was issued.

The patent describes a system that would “receive a list of proscribed content, and [would] block comments containing the proscribed content by reducing the distribution of those comments to other users,” while continuing to “display the blocked content to the commenting user such that the commenting user is not made aware that his or her comment was blocked.” 

A better definition of shadow banning would be hard to write.

Now, you almost certainly haven't been the victim of "shadow banning," so you probably consider the revelations above to be much ado about nothing.  Which of course is what Fakebook wants you to think.  Cuz if you're a hard-working American and really grasped what they just did you'd be mad as hell.

What this shows is that you cannot trust any of the social-media sites to tell you the truth.  Not only are they deleting accurate posts from user whose views disagree with the owners and employees of the sites, they've devised ways of doing this that are deliberately hard for users to detect--which shows something crucial: they knew this would be controversial, so they tried to hide it.  I.e. shows an intent to conceal the censorship. 

And they're so proud of this techniques that they frickin' patented it!

Now for the kicker:  As you probably know, the major social-media sites are all run by leftists--as are all the Lying Mainstream Media organs (with the increasingly shaky exception of Fox).  If the leftists at Fakebook consider censoring conservative content to be just peachy, does anyone actually think the Lying Mainstream Media doesn't do exactly the same thing?


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