July 20, 2019

Who is Lawrence O'Donnell?

Democrats seem to regard Lawrence O'Donnell as a faaabulous intellectual leader.  The guy's had his own show on MSNBC for many years.

So what's his CV?  He was both a producer and writer for the network television series The West Wing, about the faaaabulous dramas of a faaabulous Democrat president.  It ran from 1999 to 2006.

For college-age Americans, the faaabulous Bill Clinton (who, some may recall, was married to the even MORE faaabulous Hilliary) was preezy from 1992 to 2000.  So the show was...shall we say, well-timed to shill for Democrats to win in 2000--and after Bush won that election, to make Democrats nostalgic for the wonderful, faaaabulous years of the Clinton administration.

Yeah.  Oh well, it's a free country, right?  The networks aren't obligated to be evenhanded.  Cuz, reasons.

So with O'Donnell being a stalwart of the Democrat party, what the hell are his actual views?  Not that it matters, of course, because you can hate the f out of this nation and still be an intellectual leader of the Democrat party, eh?

In a 2005 interview, O'Donnell called himself a "practical European socialist".[2]

If you think this was a careless "speak-o" (which is how one Democrat intellectual covered for an obvious lie he uttered), O'Donnell also declared himself a socialist five years later, on the November 6, 2010, Morning Joe show.

Wait...I can hear my liberal PhD friend claiming "He didn't really mean he's a socialist--or even a 'practical European socialist,' which is ever so much better."

Really?  Here are his exact words: "I am not a progressive. I am not a liberal who is so afraid of the word that I had to change my name to 'progressive.'  Liberals amuse me.  I am a socialist. I lie to the extreme left, the extreme left of you mere liberals".[29]

Can any rational human, reading O'Donnell's own words, think this creature will tell you the truth?  Does anyone believe he has the best interests of the United States, and its people, at heart?

If you need time to think about the answer to that, take all the time you need.  I'll wait.

This, dear readers, is the face of today's Democrat party laid bare.  While many Democrat voters are undoubtedly good, well-meaning people, the leaders--both the politicians and in the elite propaganda wing of the Mainstream Media--are people like Lawrence O'Donnell.

If you want socialism--if you think nations like Venezuela are to be emulated--vote Democrat.


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