EU elects new president; only one problem: just one candidate on the ballot
For decades the communist party bragged incessantly that the communist leader of Nation X was elected not by some wussy 51-49 vote, but by...oh, 99 percent of the votes.
Wow! Dat mean da preezy bees, like, totally supported by every citizen of dat nation, eh?
Oh you bet, cupcake. At least that's what the NY Times would say. But rational people with the means to do original research would always find that...amazingly!!--the communist candidate was the only one on the ballot! Voters either checked the box for the commie or had to write-in a vote--knowing the write-in vote was useless.
And amazingly, this produced 99-percent votes for the communist preezy. Cool, eh? Shows how much all the citizens just LOVED communism, right?
So with that as background, consider this: two days ago the European commission had an election for its president. There was only one candidate: Ursula von der Leyen, a hand-picked protege of the "former communist," Angela Merkel, who had selected Ursula as her government's defense minister.
Let me repeat: The EU ministers held an "election" with only one candidate.
Wait...where have we seen that tactic before? Oh yeah: it's an absolute signature move of one group, which has been doing exactly that for decades. Hmmm...what group could that be?
Okay, you think the above story can't possibly be real, cuz it's so f'n dumb: why bother holding an "election" if there's only one candidate, eh citizen? So as my liberal PhD friend says, this story simply MUST be "fake news"--it's so outrageous that only simpleton conspiracy theorists could possibly believe it, eh?
Yeah. So take a look at the ballot below--"inclusively" written in 24 languages so everyone believes their views were carefully, lovingly, "inclusively" considered: 24 candidates? No. Twenty-four versions of the phrase "Election of the President of the Commission." Then at the bottom, the name of the only candidate, Ursula von der Leyen.
Believin' me yet, Democrats? Nah, didn't think so. No matter: Reality gonna hit y'all over the head with a baseball bat eventually. And yes, when that happens I'm gonna laugh my ass off.
But as the ads say, " gets better!"

So Ursula--the hand-picked "ringer" selected by the communist Merkel--was the only candidate on the ballot. But it seem a lot of members of the European Commission have had some passing experience with communist rule. They know when they're being snookered. So when the vote was held, Ursula won 383 votes--beating the 50-percent bar by just 9 votes.
Let me repeat that: The candidate hand-picked by the communists cleared the election by just 9 votes even though she was the only candidate on the ballot!
Now, consider this: the communists will claim that "the election was absolutely fair and transparent, and the results must be honored"--a claim that will silence any opposition. Cuz hey, we did the whole thing by the RULZ, so you gots ta respek da rulz, comrade!
Really, you have to give 'em credit for being clever: They studied democratic systems, found the weakness and how to exploit it, and executed the plan. It's brilliant.
And the winner has reportedly already announced plans to re-shape the EU into a communist system.
But c'mon, citizen: The NYTimes and WaPo have been telling you for decades that socialism (i.e.communism by a different name) is far, far better than the mean ol' competitive world of free markets and capitalism. Mainly it's so much more FAIR, cuz every citizen gets the same 800-square-foot apartment regardless of effort or education or life-style decisions. That's great! So why fight it?
[for the source, click here]
Wow! Dat mean da preezy bees, like, totally supported by every citizen of dat nation, eh?
Oh you bet, cupcake. At least that's what the NY Times would say. But rational people with the means to do original research would always find that...amazingly!!--the communist candidate was the only one on the ballot! Voters either checked the box for the commie or had to write-in a vote--knowing the write-in vote was useless.
And amazingly, this produced 99-percent votes for the communist preezy. Cool, eh? Shows how much all the citizens just LOVED communism, right?
So with that as background, consider this: two days ago the European commission had an election for its president. There was only one candidate: Ursula von der Leyen, a hand-picked protege of the "former communist," Angela Merkel, who had selected Ursula as her government's defense minister.
Let me repeat: The EU ministers held an "election" with only one candidate.
Wait...where have we seen that tactic before? Oh yeah: it's an absolute signature move of one group, which has been doing exactly that for decades. Hmmm...what group could that be?
Okay, you think the above story can't possibly be real, cuz it's so f'n dumb: why bother holding an "election" if there's only one candidate, eh citizen? So as my liberal PhD friend says, this story simply MUST be "fake news"--it's so outrageous that only simpleton conspiracy theorists could possibly believe it, eh?
Yeah. So take a look at the ballot below--"inclusively" written in 24 languages so everyone believes their views were carefully, lovingly, "inclusively" considered: 24 candidates? No. Twenty-four versions of the phrase "Election of the President of the Commission." Then at the bottom, the name of the only candidate, Ursula von der Leyen.
Believin' me yet, Democrats? Nah, didn't think so. No matter: Reality gonna hit y'all over the head with a baseball bat eventually. And yes, when that happens I'm gonna laugh my ass off.
But as the ads say, " gets better!"

So Ursula--the hand-picked "ringer" selected by the communist Merkel--was the only candidate on the ballot. But it seem a lot of members of the European Commission have had some passing experience with communist rule. They know when they're being snookered. So when the vote was held, Ursula won 383 votes--beating the 50-percent bar by just 9 votes.
Let me repeat that: The candidate hand-picked by the communists cleared the election by just 9 votes even though she was the only candidate on the ballot!
Now, consider this: the communists will claim that "the election was absolutely fair and transparent, and the results must be honored"--a claim that will silence any opposition. Cuz hey, we did the whole thing by the RULZ, so you gots ta respek da rulz, comrade!
Really, you have to give 'em credit for being clever: They studied democratic systems, found the weakness and how to exploit it, and executed the plan. It's brilliant.
And the winner has reportedly already announced plans to re-shape the EU into a communist system.
But c'mon, citizen: The NYTimes and WaPo have been telling you for decades that socialism (i.e.communism by a different name) is far, far better than the mean ol' competitive world of free markets and capitalism. Mainly it's so much more FAIR, cuz every citizen gets the same 800-square-foot apartment regardless of effort or education or life-style decisions. That's great! So why fight it?
[for the source, click here]
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