July 19, 2019

Paris: African immigrant brutally beats, murders 65-y.o. Jewish doctor; judge says not guilty because...

A year ago in Paris, a 27-year-old Muslim immigrant from Mali (Kobili Traoré) brutally beat a 65-year-old Jewish doctor, Sarah Attal-Halimi, then threw her off a 3rd-floor balcony, killing her.

As Traoré--a drug dealer and addict--was beating the 65-year-old woman he shouted “shut your mouth”, “Allahu Akbar,” and “I killed the Shaitan” (the demon, or Satan, in Arabic).

Astonishingly, this sort of atrocity has become so common in both France and Germany that it barely causes any notice at all.  Murders like this happen literally every day in those nations.  Politicians, cops and the media just shrug.  It's like people killed in a traffic accident--just a normal part of daily life.  No one seems to pay any mind to it.

Idiot judges fall all over themselves devising legal "reasons" to let these killers off with either no punishment at all or a light hand-slap.  A typical sentence for murder by immigrant is a year.  The normal excuse is some variation of "They don't understand our laws and culture."

I note this particular murder because a French judge just ruled that the killer in this case was “not criminally responsible for his actions because he had smoked marijuana beforehand.”

As I said a moment ago:  judges fall all over themselves devising legal excuses to let these killers off.

You can be absolutely certain that this judge's ruling was noticed by every defense attorney in France.  They'll use the same excuse, and since it's almost impossible to detect THC in the blood days later, the prosecution can't rebut a killer's claim that they'd smoked weed just before the murder.

It's a guaranteed get-out-of-jail-free card.  And if you don't think that's gonna be tried here in the U.S. you're too naive to breathe.

France, Germany and the U.K. are effectively doomed to Muslim rule.  They've been fatally wounded--their judges and pols corrupted, their laws ignored.  It's just a matter of time before sharia law is formally adopted.


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