July 19, 2019

50 years ago tonight, Americans walked on the moon; NYT sneers that Soviet Union was better, cuz...

Today is the 50th anniversary of the United States putting men on the moon--a feat no other nation has matched, or even attempted.

So today all America joins in celebrating the 50th anniversary of this unparalleled achievement.  For at least one day all Americans can celebrate this magnificent feat.

Hahahahahahaha!  Yesterday the leftists who run the NY Times and WaPo were striving to find a way to denigrate and tar even this magnificent achievement.

Rational people might think it would be impossible to denigrate the first landing on the moon (followed by six more, each more complex in scope, to show the first wasn't just luck).  But never underestimate the power of the left-wing Lying Mainstream Media to sneeringly dismiss even this.  And sure enough, here's the Times, on their verified Twatter account:

In case that's too blurry, it reads
America may have put the first man on the moon, but the Soviet Union sent the first woman, the first Asian man, and the first black man into orbit — all years before the U.S. would follow suit 
The Times then delivered what they must have seen as the coup de grace:  America's entire space program was designed by men, for men:

To the America-hating communists at the Times, the most important takeaway for this 50th anniversary of...some people who did something...isn't putting the first men on the moon, but that the U.S. space program was...SEXIST!

The WaPo did the same thing, but I refuse to pay for their g'd America-hating content.

By the way, in case I haven't been clear enough:  The scum at the NYTimes and Washington Post all need to die horribly.  Or be shipped to Somalia and never be allowed to return.  I'm fine with either plan.


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