June 30, 2019

Four leading senate Democrats voted FOR a secure fence in 2006? Naw, not possible!

I know many of you will be shocked to learn this, but...a few cynical analysts have claimed that current leaders of the Democrat party who are loudly claiming they're totally, completely, unequivocally against building a wall on our southern border...actually voted to build the wall back in 2006.

Of course you can't possibly believe that, because that would imply that the Dems had cynically reversed their position, for one of two reasons:  Either they never did actually want to build a wall but simply SAID they did because it would help them get re-elected; or that the damn well know a wall is effective, but are now opposing it because Trump is for it.

Ah.  So now we turn to one of those miraculous tools that we didn't have until recently:  The Internet.  And with it we go here.--to a government website called "senate.gov"--where we find a law called the "Secure Fence Act of 2006."

And what do we find there, citizen?

That Hilliary, Biden, Obama and Chuck Schumer voted FOR building 700 miles of substantial border wall.

Of course the Lying Mainstream Media won't ever tell you this.  Which is why I'm here.

"But...but...but 2006 was EONS ago, citizen, so you can't possibly think that then and now are similar in any way!"

Okay, whatever you say, cupcake.


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