Fed judge orders Florida to print ballots in Spanish
How far from the intent of the Founders has the U.S. fallen, thanks to Democrat judges? Take a look:
A federal judge has ordered 32 Florida counties to provide ballots in Spanish, ruling that failure to do so would violate the Voting Rights Act.
Judge Walker reportedly noted that Section 4(e) of the Voting Rights Act "prohibits English-only elections for those citizens — yes, citizens — educated in Puerto Rico in Spanish."
Here's what they won't tell you: The provision of the VRA prohibiting "English-only" ballots and other election material was an amendment to the act, passed in 1975. In 1975 the Democrats had huge majorities in both the House and senate, after the nearly-two-year media assault on Republican president Richard Nixon.
Here's a map of Dem vs. Republican states in 1975--blue is Dem. Given their huge majority control in 1975 the Dems took full advantage of their power to ram thru the amendments enabling people who couldn't speak or understand English to vote in U.S. elections. Cuz that's a really, really good idea, right? Cuz why would the U.S. need people to understand English to be able to understand issues to be decided by elections, eh?
Oh, wait...

So why would the Democrats want to enable people who don't speak English to vote?
Well, the vast majority of non-English-speakers (one is tempted to say north of 99%) are poor, And poor people--understandably--vote for the party that promises them free stuff. So people who can't understand English are overwhelmingly likely to vote for Democrat candidates.
And now, 45 years after the amendments to the VRA rammed thru by Democrat majorities, a federal judge is doing exactly what they envisioned at the time.
A carefully-scripted plan works long after its inception.
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