May 06, 2019

A Canadian province tried a modest "green new deal." How'd that work out?

If you're a young American--say, between 17 and 28--you're almost certainly "hip," "with it," cool, right?  And as everyone knows--because the Mainstream Media constantly tells us--ALL the cool kids are gonna vote Democrat in 2020, because Dems care about you, citizen!  And they want to save everyone on Earth from the horrors of global warming strike that-- make that climate change. 

By contrast, conservatives are morons who drive those awful, awful car-thingies, and want to kill all life on Earth, right?

And if you need any proof of the above, look at who's pushing the "Green New Deal"--the Dem plan to ban the use of all carbon-based fuel.  Democrats are pushing it, all their candidates have endorsed it.  But conservatives have ridiculed it.

"See?  See??  Told ya.  Conservatives wanna kill everyone on the planet!"

No wonder our wonderful Media all want you to vote Democrat, eh?  The media have your best interests at heart.  Really.

That's why you won't hear a peep from U.S. media about the experience our neighbors in Canada have had with so-called "green energy."  But before you pull the lever to vote, you might wanna take a quick look.

Canada's Liberal party is like U.S. Democrats, just less violent.  In 2009 the Liberal party in Ontario passed the Green Energy Act (GEA)-- a limited version of the Green New Deal being pushed by U.S. Democrats. 

The new law forced the government to invest in so-called "green energy" projects, and then forced electric utilities to buy the so-called "green energy."  And of course this new, green energy was a lot more expensive than that nasty old non-green energy.  But who cares, eh?

It was a total disaster: Energy prices exploded, doubling in just nine years.  The huge spike in the cost of electricity took money out of consumers' pockets.  And government energy boondoggles (like Obama's Solyndra scandal) caused the government to raise taxes even more than usual, further robbing citizens.

The promises (i.e. lies) made by Ontario's Liberal party to pass the GEA sound all too familiar:
  • we anticipate in the first three years approximately 50,000 jobs will be created.
  • the cost of electricity would only rise one percent per year.
  • The GEA has checks, balances and has been carefully thought out.
  • When the head of Environmental Defence Canada was asked whether the law would lead to higher electricity prices he replied “No. Not at all. Ontarians won’t even notice any impact on their electricity rates.”
So okay, citizen, maybe costs were understated by a tiny smidge.  But surely Canadian voters agreed that the modest doubling of their electricity bills in nine years was a small price to pay for saving the Earth from the horrors of global warming climate change, right?

You'd think so.  But in the June 2018 elections the Liberal Party lost 51 of 58 seats.

Six months later (December 2018) the provincial government passed the Green Energy Repeal Act.  But the cost of the folly--massive debt for dumb government programs--will continue to crush residents for decades. Price increases are baked in for years to come.

So let's compare the goals and results of Ontario's "Green Energy Act" to the Democrats' proposed  Green New Deal.  The latter calls for "the complete phase-out of all fossil fuels and nuclear power ... replacing non-essential individual means of transport ... eliminating fossil-fuel-based fertilizers ... it will be necessary to electrify everything else, including transport, heating, etc.”

You college-age voters are smart.  Do ya think your electricity bill might rise if we implement the Democrats' plan?  How much?  If your summer electric bills averaged a couple of hundred bucks a month, would you be upset by paying double that amount?  Triple?

As the many provisions of a Green New Deal law start to bite, what's that likely to do to the price of, say, jet fuel?  If fuel costs double it wouldn't be unusual to see the cost of airline tickets increase by 80 percent or so.

But hey--it's worth it to save the planet, right?  In fact, since the media and Hollywood constantly tell us how absolutely crucial it is to end global warming climate change, surely we can expect to see all millionaire Hollywood stars and millionaire talking heads like Chris Matthews to donate millions to the government to help save the planet, right?


Heck, they're probably already doing that but just haven't told us about it. 

Yeah, dat's it.


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