January 06, 2019

U.N. Human Rights Commission wants to decriminalize 'survival crimes' ?

Today the United Nations Committee on Human Rights declared that stealing is "a fundamental human right, just like the right of migration, gender self-determination and choice of which nation a person chooses for their residence."

Spokeswoman Nautika Harris, the U.N's Deputy Assistant Undersecretary for Human Rights--a native of Nigeria--explained that her agency would henceforth consider shooting or otherwise impeding robbers as a violation of international law, "just as serious as preventing immigrants from entering a nation."  Harris explained by recounting an example of a woman in Miami who fatally shot a 17-year-old burglar.  She explained that stealing is merely a "survival crime" and that even though police said the homeowner wouldn't be charged with murder, the U.N. would seek to have her tried before the International Criminal Court. 

Harris added, “You have to understand… how he gonna get his money to have clothes to go to school?  You have to look at it from his point-of-view.”

Newly elected Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, agreed, saying "It's tragic that some people believe their property is important.  That's why I always keep my doors unlocked, and don't have any security guards or cameras on my numerous properties.  It's just wrong to get angry at poor residents--including those who are temporarily lacking documentation--when they're forced to liberate some trivial piece of property that some wealthy person has wrongfully appropriated from the masses."

Former vice-president (and likely 2020 presidential candidate) Joe Biden agreed, saying "This shooting is a sad example of what's happened to our country under the awful person in the White House. You need someone who has the intellect and refined nature needed for that job."

Newly-elected senator (and 2020 presidential candidate) Kamala Harris agreed, saying "We need to de-criminalize all 'survival crimes.'  This poor teenager was so humiliated by having to wear Nikes that were two years old that he simply couldn't go to school like that.  This is a perfect example of a 'survival crime.'"

Okay, sarc off.

This shooting happened in 2016.  You never heard about it, because as you already guessed, the homeowner/shooter was a 54-year-old black female, so the usual screaming, wailing media didn't think it was worth reporting--unlike the cases where a perp opens fire on a cop.  Those, they'll report..

If the home-owner had been white you would have been reading about this story every day for six months.

Oh, and the bold-face quote from Nautika Harris?  Nautika is real.  She's not with the U.N.--not yet at least--but is a cousin of the dead thief.  She actually made the quoted statement--something that should have made national news.  But of course the Mainstream Media realized that printing that quote would harm The Narrative.  So you never heard a word about the incident.  

If that seems...absolutely reasonable to you, you're apparently a Democrat.


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