January 03, 2019

Dems continue to block funding for wall, continue to support letting illegal aliens stay in the U.S.

In encouraging illegal immigrants--by supporting "sanctuary states" and cities, and vehemently opposing deportation, Democrats are quietly showing illegal immigrants that it's okay to break our laws.

To put it another way:  by allowing people to enter our country illegally, Democrats are telling the lawbreakers that the laws of our country can be broken with impunity, without consequence.

Similarly, when employees of  pro-illegal non-governmental organizations coach their clients on the best way to game the asylum system by distorting their backgrounds, they are doing essentially the same thing -- showing illegals that Americans don't regard breaking the law seriously.

We don't even know, by a long shot, how many illegal aliens actually are in this country in the first place--and Democrats are fighting hard to keep it that way, by filing lawsuits to prevent the census from asking "Are you a citizen of the U.S.?"  For years a figure of 11 million was mostly accepted, but recently a MIT-Yale study found that the real number might be more than 22 million, twice as many.

That's more people than currently live in New York State.

In other words a subculture the size of New York is functioning among us outside the system with no real way of monitoring what they are doing or who they are.  It is the definition of a culture of corruption--and we're living in it.

This doesn't bother Democrat pols at all.  Nancy Pelosi claims she supports "border security," but says a wall is "immoral."  Meanwhile, cities and whole states -- her own California -- are sanctuaries and people are murdered.  But Dems want those voters - all 22 million if possible.

We have been informed that Wednesday at the White House Schumer and Pelosi interrupted Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen when she was reciting the current statistics on border crime, including the interception of 3700 potential terrorists.  But true to form, Schumer and Pelosi didn't want to hear those numbers.  Cuz, votes, citizen.

H/T PJ media.


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