Amazingly, Wiki article fairly well explains how dumb socialism killed Venezuela
When a humanitarian crisis becomes acute, one of the classic psychological tricks people use to avoid feeing guilty for failing to intervene is to claim they didn't have any idea the problem existed.
For the last decade many of the 31-million residents Venezuela have been suffering from shortages of everything, including food and medicine. The reason is that they elected a socialist government--Hugo Chavez--because he promised the people more freebies. A majority fell for it, and that was the end of that.
In what seems to be record time, Venezuela went from having the highest per-capita income in all of Latin America to utter poverty, starvation, disease and shortages of both water and electricity.
The cause of all this misery was dumb-ass socialist policies, by both Chavez and his hand-picked successor, former bus driver Nicolas Maduro. Of course leftists won't believe this, so in a minute I'll insert Wikipedia's take.
Now, I don't recommend Wiki for anything having to do with politics, because as everyone with an IQ over room temperature knows, Wiki is notoriously left-leaning. But I'll use them tonight because if even leftist Wiki admits there's a problem with one of their beloved socialist systems, you can bet it's a LOT worse than they're saying. So here's what they're willing to admit, in a piece titled "Shortages in Venezuela." [I've edited it for brevity.]
Now follow me here: Their citizens are starving, but the socialist leader insist everything is within "thresholds set by the U.N." This is a deadly charade, but the leaders demand the world believe it, because to admit the truth and accept food aid would be tantamount to admitting their socialist policies were a failure--something no socialist has ever done, or is ever likely to do. Too much ego.
Of course the leaders can afford imported food. They don't suffer a bit. Instead the deadly price is paid--as it always is--with the lives of ordinary citizens. Ain't socialism grand?
The term "expropriation" begins appearing. You need to be familiar with that: it's when the government simply takes something owned by a family or business. Very common in socialist societies. Wiki says "expropriation" of businesses by the socialist Venezuelan government caused...wait for it...a drop in the production of goods.
Gee, how...unexpected.
Wiki also notes that because of the government's massive printing of banknotes, inflation soared: By 2017 the bolivar was worth only one-tenth of one percent of its value five years earlier. Think about that for a bit.
Wiki also notes massive corruption, with businesses seeking to import products being forced to pay millions of dollars to government port bosses for a single cargo.
Going thru the entire list of ghastly, fatal policies pursued by the socialist monsters is too depressing, but the point here is that this is what socialism does. When governments promise to give people things for free, the course is set for disaster.
You need to know this, but because Democrats like Hilliary and Fauxcahontas and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Kamala Harris are determined to bring socialism here. If you allow that, don't claim you weren't warned.
For the last decade many of the 31-million residents Venezuela have been suffering from shortages of everything, including food and medicine. The reason is that they elected a socialist government--Hugo Chavez--because he promised the people more freebies. A majority fell for it, and that was the end of that.
In what seems to be record time, Venezuela went from having the highest per-capita income in all of Latin America to utter poverty, starvation, disease and shortages of both water and electricity.
The cause of all this misery was dumb-ass socialist policies, by both Chavez and his hand-picked successor, former bus driver Nicolas Maduro. Of course leftists won't believe this, so in a minute I'll insert Wikipedia's take.
Now, I don't recommend Wiki for anything having to do with politics, because as everyone with an IQ over room temperature knows, Wiki is notoriously left-leaning. But I'll use them tonight because if even leftist Wiki admits there's a problem with one of their beloved socialist systems, you can bet it's a LOT worse than they're saying. So here's what they're willing to admit, in a piece titled "Shortages in Venezuela." [I've edited it for brevity.]
Shortages in Venezuela have been prevalent following the enactment of price controls in 2003, then currency controls and other policies by the government of Hugo Chávez. Under the Maduro government, greater shortages occurred due to the government's policy of withholding United States dollars from importers. The severity of the shortages has exacerbated the Bolivarian diaspora, the largest recorded refugee crisis in the Americas.
Shortages are occurring in food--milk, meat, coffee, rice, oil, flour, butter--as well as toilet paper, personal hygiene products and medicines. As a result of the shortages, Venezuelans must search for food, occasionally resorting to eating wild fruit or garbage, wait in lines for hours and sometimes settling without having certain products.
Amnesty International, the United Nations and other groups have offered aid to Venezuela. However, the Venezuelan government has refused such assistance. Many Venezuelans have died due to the Bolivarian government's refusal of international aid.By 2013 most citizens reported being hungry all the time, but the government continued to deny that there was a "humanitarian crisis," instead describing the problem as simply "a decrease in the availability of food." The government blamed this "decrease in availability of food" on "an economic war," but insisted "we are still within the thresholds set by the U.N."
Now follow me here: Their citizens are starving, but the socialist leader insist everything is within "thresholds set by the U.N." This is a deadly charade, but the leaders demand the world believe it, because to admit the truth and accept food aid would be tantamount to admitting their socialist policies were a failure--something no socialist has ever done, or is ever likely to do. Too much ego.
Of course the leaders can afford imported food. They don't suffer a bit. Instead the deadly price is paid--as it always is--with the lives of ordinary citizens. Ain't socialism grand?
The term "expropriation" begins appearing. You need to be familiar with that: it's when the government simply takes something owned by a family or business. Very common in socialist societies. Wiki says "expropriation" of businesses by the socialist Venezuelan government caused...wait for it...a drop in the production of goods.
Gee, how...unexpected.
Wiki also notes that because of the government's massive printing of banknotes, inflation soared: By 2017 the bolivar was worth only one-tenth of one percent of its value five years earlier. Think about that for a bit.
Wiki also notes massive corruption, with businesses seeking to import products being forced to pay millions of dollars to government port bosses for a single cargo.
Going thru the entire list of ghastly, fatal policies pursued by the socialist monsters is too depressing, but the point here is that this is what socialism does. When governments promise to give people things for free, the course is set for disaster.
You need to know this, but because Democrats like Hilliary and Fauxcahontas and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Kamala Harris are determined to bring socialism here. If you allow that, don't claim you weren't warned.
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