December 31, 2018

Re archbishop Theodore McCarrick and the Pope

If you're not a Catholic (I'm not) you may not know about the huge shockwave that's just hit the church:  The Vatican's representative to the U.S. has made a detailed statement that he told the current pope that an archbiship--Theodore McCarrick--who was recently revealed as a homosexual molester.  But on learning this, the Pope not only didn't remove the cardinal from the priesthood, but promoted him and posted him toWashington DC.

Pope Francis--who has a controversial background--hasn't denied this, but instead has said he won't  comment--which isn't reassuring.  After a previous pope had ordered the archbiship removed, Francis astonishingly reinstated him in his position, removing all sanctions that had prevously been imposed.

The Pope has merely said people should make up their own minds about the claims.  Asked in a follow-up question when he first learned about the abuse allegations against Archbishop McCarrick, Pope Francis responded cryptically,
"This is part of the statement. Study it and then I will say."
Part of what statement?  This is total bullshit.  Baffle-gab.  Classic deflection, just like political thieves caught in the act.  Word salad.

Many Catholics detect homosexual corruption in the church leadership going all the way to the top.  The thinking is that if the Pope himself is indeed protecting molesting archbishops (and presumably also cardinals), there's no chance of removing any bad priests from the church.

If Francis is indeed pro-homosexuality in the priesthood, it might explain what is otherwise a bizarre event: the resignation of the previous Pope, Benedict.  It's almost unprecedented for a pope to resign.  Some analysts of the Vatican have wondered if Benedict--who was fairly conservative--was forced to resign because of a threat from the pro-gay cardinals.

One of the big problems with trying to remove bad leaders from official leadership positions in the church is that many people who are emotionally invested in an organization or ideology (like socialism) are more than willing to rationalize away just about any behavior ... including the actions of corrupt leadership--to protect that organization or ideology.

I suspect at least half of all Catholics will rationalize that rather than throw out the bad leaders, less damage will be done to the church if members close ranks around this Pope and defend him.

This is what happened at Penn State.  It's what Democrats do when confronted with a real, living example of how awful socialism is--Venezuela:  They'll do literally anything to rationalize the ghastly human misery in a way that doesn't blame or even tarnish their beloved socialism.

The case gets even more twisted because the Lying Mainstream Media--who are all loud supporters of the gay community--are spinning this bombshell revelation as "homophobia," claiming it's just people getting over-excited because of a "perfectly normal, legal, accepted form of behavior."



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