December 31, 2018

Do citizens ever take up arms to defeat legally-imposed socialism?

Many Americans believe--naively--that because Trump defeated Hilliary, the left has temporarily stopped trying to control American life.  That's false:  Between the "Resistance" (Trump-haters burrowed into government agencies) and the Lying Media constantly running anti-Trump stories, it appears as if the Left is actually winning.

If you're not convinced, look at the percentage of Lying Mainstream Media companies that are totally, slavishly Left-wing.

The Left controls the public schools, most school boards, every government agency (specifically including the FBI, CIA, NSA and DIA), virtually every university, and every social-media organ.  Even though Trump is president, he actually controls damn little.  Instead the agenda is being set by the Democrats and their socialist allies, and is being carried out by Democrat holdovers in government agencies (sometimes called the Deep State).

Conservatives support the Constitution, and believe one set of laws should be applied to everyone, instead of the two-tier system we clearly have now.  They recognize that between insane Democrat leaders (Pelosi, Schumer, Kamala Harris, Corey Booker) and the Lying Media, Trump will almost certainly be a one-term president, and we'll be back to the days of Obama.

I think history amply shows that 99 percent of the time, when a nation's own government goes totalitarian, no one opposed to the totalitarian regime will actually fight back until it's far too late.  Three examples should suffice:  first is Germany between the wars.

It's a cliche that most native Germans follow the law.  Thus because everything Hitler did to win power was legal, no one opposed him until far too late.

Next:  Venezuela.  No one can possibly be surprised to note that poor people want "free" stuff.  When socialist Hugo Chavez promised the poor lots of free stuff, he won election (just as Obama did).  When he rammed through laws and decrees that educated Venezuelans recognized as disastrous, no one revolted--because it was all legal.  (And because the government had confiscated privately-owned guns.)

So when Chavez changed the constitution to allow him to be president for life, no one revolted--because it was done perfectly legally.  Same for when he banned private gun ownership, and when he set up a board to control the price of every good sold by every business.  All totally legal, comrade.  So even though lots of people were angry, there was no open revolt.

Finally, Argentina during the Peron era.  (If you're under 50 or so you won't know anything about this, so--gosh, I was gonna say "Google it" but there's a great chance Google will carefully hide the truth.)  In any case, Peron was a dictator, but promised voters lots of "free stuff."  His wife, Eva (also called Evita, an affectionate diminutive) was pretty and charismatic, and the couple ruled imperiously, supported by groups of thugs armed with machineguns.  The thugs would regularly shake down businesses for cash--which the thugs claimed was "for Evita"--and would torch any that refused to pay.  (My father did business in Argentina for awhile and saw this first-hand.)

But because Peron was elected--i.e all perfectly legal--there was no armed revolt.  Instead everyone obeyed the law, like good citizens, and simply hoped the misery wouldn't last too long.

So...based on these fairly modern examples, I see little chance of anyone in the U.S. taking up arms to resist socialism.  Which means it's all on the voters.  But at least half the electorate is uneducated, and not smart enough to know history or economics.  (Researching those is similarly beyond their abilities.)  Instead their votes will be driven by a) the promise by Democrat/socialist candidates of a vast array of freebies (a trend you've been seeing since 1960); and b) by the Lying Media wailing about how eeeeevil da orange trumpkin and his allies are.

And boy, are we ever seeing that!

So where do we go from here?  Well, there's no chance at all of any member of the Lying Media or any communist professor suddenly seeing the light.  Similarly, there's zero chance of members of the Democrat base suddenly realizing "This plan the Democrats have of giving everyone "free" stuff seems like it might not be, um...economically sound."

So what does that leave for options?

Beats me.  But a commenter on another site had an interesting message.  Again, I don't think this will happen, but the guy's turn of phrase is inspiring:
Let me be perfectly clear:
If you insist on imposing socialism on this country, you are a threat to my life.
You will be met with overwhelming force.
You will not enjoy this.
You will not win.
Bring body bags.


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