December 13, 2018

"Deep environmental" guru: "Eradicating smallpox was a crime"

Like most humans, I love the environment.

Contrary to the belief of some, I actually live on the same planet as the rest of you, and firmly believe we shouldn't trash it--at least in part since we'll be living here for the foreseeable future.

But with that said, I'm starting to become really skeptical about the sanity of the people who could be called environmental extremists--folks who profess to believe that anything nature does is perfect and wonderful, while everything done by humans is eeeevil and deplorable.

The patron saint of this group may be a Norwegian named Arne Naess.  Naess believed every animal and vegetable deserved to live and bloom--not because he believed all had been created by God and thus should be allowed to live, but because he believed everything must be interconnected in ways we could never fathom, and that removing just one piece of this interconnected creation might destroy the whole thing.

This belief led to some rather...extreme...conclusions, as author and professor Jerry Weinberger found
when he had a conversation with Naess years ago.  Weinberger asked Naess if he really believed everything in nature should be protected.  Naess replied that he thought the eradication of smallpox--a huge undertaking supported by all advanced nations over decades--was actually a huge crime against nature.  He believed the smallpox virus—which has maimed, tortured, and killed millions of people—should actually have been preserved.

Most people would regard protecting the smallpox virus as a crackpot idea.  By contrast, the Left heaped awards on Naess, despite his claim that eradicating smallpox was a crime.

Changing "natural outcomes" brings us to the leftist parents of Marin County, California.

After a Hollywood Person claimed vaccinations caused things like autism, attention-deficit hyperactivity and the like, virtually every liberal in California signed on to the idea.  The result was that despite a state law requiring kids have a list of vaccinations to attend public school, in trendy, wealthy Marin--a place with one of the highest per-capita incomes in the country--in 2011 over 20 percent of the kids were unvaccinated.

Then California had an outbreak of measles, and Marin County was suspected to be the source.

Result?  The vaccination rate for kindergarten kids in Marin County is now 93.2 percent.

So...vaccinating kids is overturning the "natural order" by immunizing them against deadly diseases.  Parents: "We don't like to mess with nature, so..."   But when the diseases society has been vaccinating against come calling, objections to idea of "messing with nature"--or even the distant, unproven notion of a link to autism--are quickly subordinated to not getting measles.

One waits for the inevitable liberal to claim that we should stop chlorinating drinking water, because doing that kills those wonderful bacteria.  After all, all "enlightened" liberals see that e.coli is a vital part of nature and thus shouldn't be killed.

Sorta' like Nanny Pelosi's claim that MS-13 killers have the "spark of divinity" in them.

Libs will go along with this until their own daughter is raped or killed.  Then they'll understand the (rather large) error in their "reasoning."

Nah, just kidding:  They'd react like the parents of Maria Ladenburger--a 19-year-old med-school student who was raped and drowned by an Afghan "migrant."  Her father is a legal counsel to the EU, and his response was totally calm--no problem.  Cuz none of the elites wants to shut off the flow of "migrants."  As a famous person once said, "Can't make an omelette without breaking eggs."


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