September 01, 2018

Thieves in Chitcongo hitting a new, undefended target, causing misery

Wanna see what happens to a society that's rapidly sliding back to jungle rules?

That would be the city of Chicago--also known as Shitcongo.

Everyone knows about the constant shootings, but here's something you haven't seen:  Thieves causing tens of thousands of dollars in damages, and shutting down businesses in black communities, to steal...a few hundred bucks worth of copper wire?

Yep.  Stealing electrical wire for the copper "has become a reoccurring problem in the area," as the Sun-Times diplomatically puts it.  A Catholic school had its electrical lines stolen twice in less than a week.  The school's engineer said thieves cutting the lines caused about $18,000 in damages for $1,000 worth of copper wire.

Four restaurants were also hit and forced to close.  One lost $2000 worth of food because their refrigerators couldn't run.  That restaurant has had its wiring stolen four times in five years.  The first time it happened, it put 'em out of business for four months.

Since electrical service in suburbs come in from back alleys, there are never any witnesses, and cops don't have any leads.

Jungle rules, citizen.  Don't worry about putting businesses out of business, putting your neighbors out of work.  Just grab what you can steal, to buy those sweet drugs.  Makes for a great civilization, eh?

I'm starting to think that maybe immediate execution for drug dealers is a good start.


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