A time-line of corruption
From a commenter on another site. I'll see if I can find info to verify (or reject) the claims:
Imagine how many people would be in jail, with pensions forfeited, if the folks who did all these things had been Republicans!
From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
A grand jury had been empaneled.
Governments from around the world had donated to the self-declared “charity”.
But from 2001 to 2003 the Clinton Foundation didn't declare any of those donations. Odd.
It shouldn't be hard to compare donations by foreign governments with declarations of same by the Clinton Foundation. So you'd think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out, eh?
Guess who took over this investigation in 2002?
James Comey.
Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS?
Lois Lerner.
Guess who ran the Tax Division of the "Justice" Department from 2001 to 2005?
The Assistant Attorney-General of the U.S., Rod Rosenstein.
Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time?
I know, it’s just a coincidence, just an anomaly in statistics and chances: Robert Mueller.
What do all four of these characters (Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller and Lerner) have in common?
They all were briefed and/or were front-line investigators of the Clinton Foundation.
Now that’s just a coincidence, right? Mere chance.
In 2009 James Comey leaves the Justice Department for a job at Lockheed Martin. During his tenure, Lockheed Martin secures 17 "no-bid" contracts with the State Department. When he leaves LM he's rewarded with a six million dollar bonus.
After Obama is elected president in 2008 he appoints Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State. Five years later we'll learn that she never sets up an official "dot.gov" email account but instead sets up a private email account, on an unsecured server she controls, in her house in Chappaqua, NY. She'll use this private email server for all official government business, and will later erase over 30,000 emails she doesn't want voters to see, claiming they only deal with "personal" topics. [Relevant part is at the bottom of the link to the NY Times.]
It's almost as if this was her purpose all along.
In a live interview on CBS TV, emperor Obama claims he only learned about this private email server "when everyone else did, from news reports." This is a flat lie, as we later learn that Obama has sent dozens of emails to Hilliary at her private email address--which is the only one she has!--well before the CBS interview. The media ignore his brazen lie, because reasons.
A nominally Canadian company seeks to buy leases containing roughly 20 percent of estimated U.S. uranium. Since this purchase involves the key ingredient for making atomic bombs, it will only be allowed to happen if every relevant government agency--including the State Department--signs off on it. This is the very definition of a strategic issue.
While the proposed sale is being analyzed, Bill Clinton goes to Moscow and is paid $500,000 for a one hour speech. He then meets with Vladimir Putin at his home for a few hours.
Shortly thereafter, Obama's State Department approves the sale. Curiously, the approval of the sale of this critical bomb-making component isn't signed by Hilliary, but instead by some faceless staffer way down the chain of command. To this day, no congresscritter has asked the guy whether anyone higher up in State instructed him to approve the sale.
Russian later acquired the Canadian company, and evidence suggests this may have been the game plan all along. Most of the Mainstream Media has no interest in the event.
Turns out the FBI had a mole inside the company making the buy. Said mole tells of money laundering and bribery. Whereupon the FBI...puts a gag order on the informant, threatening him with jail if he speaks out about it.
And who's the FBI director during this time?
Robert Mueller.
Guess who was handling that case within the Justice Department out of the US Attorney’s Office in Maryland.
Rod Rosenstein.
Guess what else happened soon after the sale was approved.
The Clinton Foundation got roughly $145 million dollars in donations from entities directly connected to the Uranium One deal.
Surely just another in a series of unrelated coincidences, eh?
In February of 2013 Hilliary resigns as SecState.
Also in 2013 Obama appoints a new FBI director. Can ya guess?
James Comey.
As director of the FBI, Comey will be in charge of the so-called investigations of both Lois Lerner and Hilliary's private email server. He will totally exonerate both.
Fast-forward to 2015. Following the killing of four Americans--including our ambassador--by Muslim forces in Benghazi, the House convenes a "Select Committee on Benghazi" to investigate the event. The committee calls the Inspector General for the State Department, who reveals that Hillary has never had an official dot-gov email, and instead has conducted all official State Department business on an unencrypted, unclassified, unauthorized personal email server.
The committee learns that none of Hilliary's emails related to official government business were turned over to the government when she resigned as Secretary of State--which was required by law. The committee also learns that Top Secret information had been sent to her unsecured, unencrypted personal email server.
Interestingly, when FBI director James Comey testifies before congress in 2016, the presence of Top Secret material won't be mentioned. Instead, under carefully-worded questions by Democrat members, Comey will say that the only classified emails on Hilliary's server were marked "(C)" for confidential--the lowest level of classification.
The House committee demands the server--but astonishingly, leaves it in Hilliary's possession. Despite the demand that it be preserved as evidence, a Hilliary lackey uses special software called Bleach Bit to erase the server's files beyond the possibility of forensic recovery. (If you're tech-savvy you probably know that merely "formatting" a hard drive doesn't erase the files on it, but just tells the computer that all sectors are now free to be used as storage.)
The committee subpoenas the lackey--and gives him immunity from prosecution in exchange for truthful testimony. He initially accepts the offer (who wouldn't?) but then reverses, refusing to testify.
It's hard to keep all the pieces of the vast conspiracy in place. But if these claims stand up, it's a pretty damning pattern.
In April 2016 the FBI has yet to interview Hilliary. It's also giving immunity to her top aides, but without getting any agreement from them in return to testify. Nevertheless, Comey begins drafting s a speech he proposes to give to the House Committee exonerating Hilliary.
To say that's unprecedented is a huge understatement. He's reached the supposed conclusion of innocence without even interviewing Clinton. When the FBI finally does interview her, she's not put under oath (meaning no possibility of perjury for knowingly false statements), and the interview isn't even recorded, either electronically or by stenographers.
See any pattern yet?
Rosenstein later becomes Asst. Attorney-General, from which position he recommends Robert Mueller be given the job of Special Counsel assigned to investigate alleged "collusion" between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Always the same players, all working fervently to stay out of jail.
They're like battery acid, corroding and corrupting everything they touch.
And to this very day, the Clinton Foundation, in its 20+ years of operation of being the largest "charity" fraud in history, has never been audited by the Internal Revenue Service.
Imagine how many people would be in jail, with pensions forfeited, if the folks who did all these things had been Republicans!
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