August 11, 2018

Norway goes Switzerland one better, will give junkies not just free syringes but free heroin too

The American Left and Democrats believe European governments are brilliant and enlightened.  So whatever European nations are doing today, it's damn likely to appear as a Democrat proposal in the U.S. within a year or two.
So what is "enlightened," "brilliant" Europe doing to fight heroin addiction?  In Norway they planning to simply give heroin to addicts, and to provide syringes and "safe places to shoot up."  Here's the story from a Norwegian website:

To try to reduce the number of heroin overdoses and other health complications, a hospital in Bergen is proposing to give heroin to addicts.

Ola Jøsendal, director of addiction medicine at Haukeland University Hospital, told reporters "The solution has been tested in several large cities in Europe, such as Amsterdam and Zurich. 

Jøsendal announced the plan at a meeting of Bergen's city council, and will now apply to the country' health ministry to start a pilot scheme.

"Heavily-addicted heroin users have no desire to stop and will continue anyway," Jøsendal told the paper. "This consumption can be made much safer."

He said the hospital aimed to set up an injection room next to the accident and emergency department by September next year. 
That was from 2013.  So did the national government like the proposal by the "director of addiction medicine" at the Bergen hospital? 

They loved it, and are taking the program national:
Norway's government will start giving free heroin to up to 400 hardened addicts as it pushes forward with its drug policy reforms.
Norway's health minister Bent Høie asked the Norwegian Directorate of Health to draw up a list of which addicts were most suitable to receive so-called "heroin-assisted treatment," and to assess the economic consequences of developing a heroin treatment program.
But of course, citizen--because every enlightened person knows that the best way to "treat" heroin addiction is to give addicts heroin.  This was proven by the huge reduction in heroin addiction after progressive U.S. cities like San Francisco and Seattle started giving addicts free syringes.  Those cities have reduced heroin use by 355 percent! 

Oh, and you are instructed NOT to believe the lies being pushed by conservatives claiming millions of used syringes are being found on the streets of San Francisco every year, citizen.  This is simply a lie being pushed by Rethuglicans.  San Francisco is one of the cleanest cities in the world!  Got it?
"We want to help addicts who are hard to reach, those who are not part of a current 'drug-assisted rehabilitation' program, so are difficult to treat," Norway's "health minister" told reporters.  "Addicts should be met with health care and respect, not with punishment and condemnation," Høie said.

"We are now moving away from what the previous moralistic approach," he said. "We fully recognize that some of those addicted aren't motivated to become drug-free. This group will now get a much better offer than before."
If you're hooked on heroin it's hard to imagine a better offer heroin.

You can expect every Democrat-ruled large city in the U.S. will push to start similar programs soon.  Because all good Democrats know that when you subsidize something you get less of it, which is the opposite of the old, discredited "conventional wisdom" held by stupid Trump supporters that when gruberment subsidizes something you get MORE of it.

Sheesh!  Stupid Trumpkins!  You'd think the colleges they went to didn't teach basic economics!

Oh wait, that's it:  None of his supporters went to any college more challenging than Platt Junior College of Art and Cosmetology.  (School motto:  "Get a degree from the comfort of your trailer!")


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