June 19, 2018

NYC high school to allow students to get diploma without showing up for class

The drive toward the erasing all standards in New York City schools just achieved another goal. 

This one goes beyond moonbat mayor Bill de Blasio wanting to eliminate entrance exams for the city's elite public schools.  Now at DeWitt Clinton High School, students can get a passing grade even if they never show up for class:
Insisting that students can pass “regardless of absence,” Principal Pierre Orbe has ordered English, science, social studies and math teachers to give makeup work to hundreds of kids who didn’t show up or failed the courses, whistleblowers said.
Like many NYC schools, this one is heavily "hooded" and has been getting horrible results for the $23,000 per student per year that the city spends.  For example, last year only half of seniors graduated, and almost three-quarters of those who did graduate needed remedial help to enroll in CUNY.

So how to improve graduation numbers?  Simple: Instead of forcing the poor students to actually show up for class, allow students to pass courses by completing — or haveingsomeone else complete — “mastery packets” at home, making cheating easy and inevitable.

Astonishingly, Obama holdovers in the federal Department of "Education" made it federal policy that schools could get away with this, saying students “may not be denied credit based on lack of seat time alone.”   The clear inference is that students who didn't come to class would still be able to pass if they passed some sort of competency test.  But of course since this isn't explicitly demanded, it leaves the door open for schools to get credit for "graduates" who can't spell "cat."

Social justice warriors and moonbat allies won't be happy until all standards have been erased--when the only qualification for having a college degree will be the ability to say the word "college."

The moonbats will joyfully call this "education equity" and will celebrate.


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