June 19, 2018

Illegal-alien invader murders two women; another murder you won't see on your evening news

A week ago a woman was murdered in Miami and her body left on a sidewalk.  Now an illegal alien invader--which the Lying Media charmingly, cunningly call an "undocumented immigrant"--has confessed to murdering both this victim and another woman months earlier.

Juan Carlos Hernandez-Caseres, 37, is facing two first-degree murder charges in the deaths of Ann Farrin, 41, and Neidy Roche, 39, after investigators used DNA evidence to connect him to both killings, the Miami Herald reports.  He confessed to both murders.
 U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials have placed an immigration detainer on Hernandez-Caseres, meaning Miami cops would notify ICE in the unlikely event they planned to release him.

It's absolutely crucial to note here that in Nueva York and California and all other so-called "sanctuary states" or cities, state or local politicians have ordered their cops to release illegal aliens without notifying ICE of their intent to do so--which allows the illegal alien to vanish back into the general population and commit more crime.

Hell of a deal, eh?

"Sanctuary."  Has a nice ring to it, no?  Gives the listener or reader visions of a poor, innocent victim being sheltered from the cruelty of an eeeeevil power, eh?  So once again...control the labels and you control the emotional battle-space.

The only way the "sanctuary" policy will start to lose trendiness is if a pretty, non-drug-addict daughter of a political "leader" in a "sanctuary" city or state is killed by an illegal.  And the odds of that happening are so close to zero as to be useless.  Not because illegals don't rape thousands of Americans every year, and kill hundreds, but simply because the probability of a victim being the child of a political "leader" is small.

But eventually, ordinary citizens will get tired of this shit.  And will make their anger known, at 1500 fps.


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