Tales of heartless ICE agents ripping kids out of mom's arms is a carefully-scripted plot
Has anyone else noticed that we're suddenly seeing almost daily stories about "poor undocumented kids being ripped
from the arms of their undocumented parents"?
The Democrats and the Left are screaming their outrage! about these tales of terrible treatment, all of course due to the policies of da eeeebil Trumpf. It's a lie, of course: Illegal border crossers have been jailed for years, and we don't put children in adult jails, so the kids are put in their own housing. This has been going on for many years, including the entire reign of the emperor obama.
The barrage of stories is all a total setup--a dramatic plan scripted by the Dems to win more votes in November. And the media are pretending this is all a brand new policy just discovered by them, and that it violates immigration law. It's a coordinated PR plan that the Dems have had on the shelf, ready to be executed whenever it would have maximum political impact.
The Dems, with the crucial help of fake Republicans (RINOs), are desperate to sabotage Trump, and the best way to do that is for the Dems and RINOs to pass a full-on amnesty bill as soon as possible. This would put Trump in a no-win bind: If he signs it, his supporters won't turn out in the massive numbers needed to keep a majority in the House.
But if he doesn't sign it, Dems will have ads all ready to roll wailing pitifully about how the policy of ripping poor kids from the loving arms of...whoever they hooked up with is entirely due to Trump.
Again, that's a flat lie, but of course the Dems' low-information voters will never know. And the rest of the Dem voters couldn't care less that it's a lie. Dems think it's fine to do anything as long as you win.
So the constant barrage of tear-jerking stories is designed to pressure squishy Republican congresswhores to vote for Ryan's amnesty bill.
I hope Trump realizes he's being played. When everyone who hates you is telling you to do something--in this case to sign the amnesty bill-- it's a sure bet that they're not looking out for your best interests, eh? They're looking to regain power. And importing another few million Dem voters while suppressing pro-Trump voters is a hell of a plan, from the Dem standpoint.
The Democrats and the Left are screaming their outrage! about these tales of terrible treatment, all of course due to the policies of da eeeebil Trumpf. It's a lie, of course: Illegal border crossers have been jailed for years, and we don't put children in adult jails, so the kids are put in their own housing. This has been going on for many years, including the entire reign of the emperor obama.
The barrage of stories is all a total setup--a dramatic plan scripted by the Dems to win more votes in November. And the media are pretending this is all a brand new policy just discovered by them, and that it violates immigration law. It's a coordinated PR plan that the Dems have had on the shelf, ready to be executed whenever it would have maximum political impact.
The Dems, with the crucial help of fake Republicans (RINOs), are desperate to sabotage Trump, and the best way to do that is for the Dems and RINOs to pass a full-on amnesty bill as soon as possible. This would put Trump in a no-win bind: If he signs it, his supporters won't turn out in the massive numbers needed to keep a majority in the House.
But if he doesn't sign it, Dems will have ads all ready to roll wailing pitifully about how the policy of ripping poor kids from the loving arms of...whoever they hooked up with is entirely due to Trump.
Again, that's a flat lie, but of course the Dems' low-information voters will never know. And the rest of the Dem voters couldn't care less that it's a lie. Dems think it's fine to do anything as long as you win.
So the constant barrage of tear-jerking stories is designed to pressure squishy Republican congresswhores to vote for Ryan's amnesty bill.
I hope Trump realizes he's being played. When everyone who hates you is telling you to do something--in this case to sign the amnesty bill-- it's a sure bet that they're not looking out for your best interests, eh? They're looking to regain power. And importing another few million Dem voters while suppressing pro-Trump voters is a hell of a plan, from the Dem standpoint.
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