Democrat congresswoman re Supreme Court nomination: "We need to have the street rise up against them."
When some nobody on the Left says "We need to rise up and fight," everyone takes it as rhetorical. But when a Dem congresscreep says something similar, one tends to pay a bit more attention.
On MSNBC yesterday, regarding the supreme court nomination a talking head asked a black female Democrat congresscreep from Maryland "How would you advise your colleagues to deal with this situation?" Said creep replied,
On MSNBC yesterday, regarding the supreme court nomination a talking head asked a black female Democrat congresscreep from Maryland "How would you advise your colleagues to deal with this situation?" Said creep replied,
It's time for Democrats to throw down. We've been playing by the rulebook [SAY WHAT?? Cheating all the way, screwing Sanders out of the nomination, fabricating the false "dossier," falsely clearing Hilliary on the email server, etc ad nauseum] and the Republicans have been playing by street rules. We need to play be street rules.*** We need to have the Street rise up against them...Hmmm....a decade ago we would have been fairly sure she was speaking metaphorically. But today, given the Scalise shooting and people threatening to kidnap or kill the children of DHS employees, you have to think a few million moronic Democrats will take that statement literally.
MSNBC analyst urges Democrats to 'play by Street rules' to harass moderate Republican Senators to vote against President Trump's Supreme Court nominee— Wired Sources (@WiredSources) June 27, 2018
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