Leftist website shrieks that Trump's tweet criticizing restaurant that booted Sanders is AWFUL!!
If you're conservative, then unless you're a political junkie you almost certainly have no idea how much the Left/Dems/"progressives" hate you, and are willing to do literally anything to make your life miserable.
For example, Leftists and Dems have decided that if you support Trump, they don't have to do business with you. Meaning if you wanted to eat dinner, and the owner or manager learned you supported Trump, they feel free to ask you to leave instead of serving you.
Wait, did you think it had long been settled in America that a public business couldn't refuse to serve someone based on their race, creed or color? Well, sort of. If a business refuses to serve someone because of their race or color, or because they're flagrantly homosexual and you think that would bother the parents of young children who patronize your business, you'll be sued into bankruptcy.
And yes, you'd think "creed" would cover political beliefs. But apparently Democrats don't think so. So it's already happening: asking members of the Trump administration to leave restaurants because they work for the president.
As you may have heard, a week or so ago, the president's press secretary (Sarah Sanders) and her inlaws went to a Virginia restaurant--the Red Hen--for dinner. The owner refused to serve them and insteaad asked them to leave--solely because she hates Trump and his policies. Sanders wisely left, since eating at any restaurant that doesn't like you risks...um...let's just say "dangerous food additives."
If the courts allow refusal of service because a would-be customer works for Trump, what barrier remains to prevent ordinary citizens sporting a MAGA hat from being refused service?
Oh wait, that's already happened too, in a New York City bar.
So now for the kicker: After word of Sanders being forced to leave the restaurant spread, the president tweeted
For example, Leftists and Dems have decided that if you support Trump, they don't have to do business with you. Meaning if you wanted to eat dinner, and the owner or manager learned you supported Trump, they feel free to ask you to leave instead of serving you.
Wait, did you think it had long been settled in America that a public business couldn't refuse to serve someone based on their race, creed or color? Well, sort of. If a business refuses to serve someone because of their race or color, or because they're flagrantly homosexual and you think that would bother the parents of young children who patronize your business, you'll be sued into bankruptcy.
And yes, you'd think "creed" would cover political beliefs. But apparently Democrats don't think so. So it's already happening: asking members of the Trump administration to leave restaurants because they work for the president.
As you may have heard, a week or so ago, the president's press secretary (Sarah Sanders) and her inlaws went to a Virginia restaurant--the Red Hen--for dinner. The owner refused to serve them and insteaad asked them to leave--solely because she hates Trump and his policies. Sanders wisely left, since eating at any restaurant that doesn't like you risks...um...let's just say "dangerous food additives."
If the courts allow refusal of service because a would-be customer works for Trump, what barrier remains to prevent ordinary citizens sporting a MAGA hat from being refused service?
Oh wait, that's already happened too, in a New York City bar.
So now for the kicker: After word of Sanders being forced to leave the restaurant spread, the president tweeted
The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!WELL!...the Left went into hyperbole drive: A leftist website called "Quartz" posted this headline:
Trump’s attack on Red Hen sends a chilling message to 29 million US small businesses
Didja get that? The president complains about one nut-case restaurant owner who illegally refused to serve his press secretary, and according to the shriekers at Quartz that "sends a chilling message to 29 million small businesses."
Really, cupcakes? The only businesses that should be "chilled" are ones whose owners or managers are considering refusing service to conservatives--including members of the administration.
But the headline shows how utterly unhinged the Left and Dems have become after their beloved queen lost to da eeebil orange Trumpkin.
As an aside, in the last week I've seen a dozen analysts say either that civil war is coming, or that we're already in the preliminary stages of one.
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