June 26, 2018

Brilliant: Film maker hires actors to read the most damning texts between Strzok and Lisa Page. Wow!

Unless you're a liberal you may have heard about a thing called the "IG report."  It's the result of about 18 months of investigation into the DOJ and FBI by the inspector-general.  And it's absolutely, totally damning.  It show beyond doubt that, as many Americans suspected, the FBI is utterly, irredeemably corrupt to the very top.

Two of the key corruptocrats were Special Agent Peter Strzok, and his mistress, FBI attorney Lisa Page.  Both were married to others, but...well, stuff happens.  The two reportedly exchanged 50,000--yes, fifty thousand--text messages with each other over a period of about a year.

Now is a good time to mention that Strzok was...you won't believe it...the head "Counterintelligence Officer." And of course counterintelligence is supposed to mean smoking out spying by the nation's foreign enemies.  But in Strzok's case the title seems to have been a bit too...on the nose. 

Here's where it gets... weirder: The pair was worried that if they used their personal phones to send and receive text messages, their spouses would find out.  So in one of the dozens of absolute miracles surrounding the election of DJT, the two sent those 50,000 texts on their government phones
 When congress learned about this, and that Strzok, in particular, said some really incriminating things in them, they demanded that the FBI turn over copies of those text messages.

The head of the FBI, being very aware that the Constitution charges congress with overseeing the operation of the federal government, and being keenly aware that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, immediately turned over all....

Hahahahahahahahaha!  Just kidding!

In reality, the head of the FBI claimed his agency couldn't find a single one of the text messages.  Yes, that's right.  Seems the bureau's text file capturing system amazingly broke down just at the begining of the crucial texting storm.  So, well, gosh, there's not a thing we can do...

Congress sent some computer specialists in, and WOULD YOU BELIEVE...they managed to recover virtually all 50,000 texts between the two!

Told ya it would get weird.

So now with the messages in hand, the Director immediately turned them over to....

Hahahahahahahahahaha!  Just kidding again!  He actually told congress to fuck off.

Well, maybe not in those exact words.  Instead he did it in the classic diplomatic way:  He just ignored congress.  And the deadline came and went, with not a word from the FBI.  And congress bitched and growled and made another deadline.  And the director ignored that one too.  And the next three.

Finally someone in congress said "Get that GD stuff over hear RIGHT NOW or you're going to jail."  And FINALLY the son of a bitch complied.

Well, not completely, of course.  All the really dastardly comments were blacked out.  Including the comment when Page asked her lover, "Donald Trump will never be president, right?"  The reply from Strzok to Page was blacked out from the transcript sent to congress.

What Strzok said was "No.  We will stop it."

Wow, not a smidgen of bias there, eh citizen?

Okay, everyone who isn't a liberal should have known all that.  Here's the new stuff:  A film maker named Phelim McAleer came up with the totally brilliant idea of filming actors playing Strzok and Lisa Page reading 33 minutes of the most incriminating of these text messages.  And the effect is absolutely devastating.

If you don't have time to watch the whole thing you can get the feel in about ten minutes.  But if you can spare the time it's really, really worth it.  Because you see how utterly stupid, how totally incompetent, petty, vindictive, juvenile and basically dumb these two were.  One pictures the George Costanza character in Seinfeld.

The mind boggles.  Because you've been fed propaganda forever about how great the FBI was and is, you simply can't believe the bureau could have two so amazingly corrupt, incompetent people in such high-ranking positions.

If you ever wondered why the Russians so often outmaneuver the FBI, this explains it.

One keeps hoping that these were the only two incompetent dumbshits, but if there were honest, unbiased, competent people near them, their incompetence would have been discovered.  The only conclusion possible is that everyone around them was equally incompetent, and yet overcome with the belief of their own greatness.

So here's the YouTube.  Make this go viral!!


Blogger Anne said...

Great post! Wish I could find the YouTube video, but it seems to have been removed :-/

2:51 PM  

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