May 14, 2018

The Left now controls most of Europe

Democracy--the idea that a majority wins--is a radical idea.  The idea of a republic --having full-time representatives paid to study problems and propose carefully-crafted solutions--is even more esoteric.  In theory it makes possible even better results, since almost no regular voter has the time or education--or resources--to study complex problems.

In the modern era, both democracy and republican forms of government came (past tense) from the Anglosphere.  But today the Left control all political parties in Anglosphere nations except the U.S.  Normally an honest media might reveal enough of the truth of the results of Leftist policies that voters of Left-ruled nations might eventually respond by voting the Left out, but the Left now controls the media in every country.

As a result, democracy in western Europe has utterly failed.  With a thoroughly Left-loving media, there is simply no mechanism for informing voters and defeating the Left via the vote.   Even when a majority of voters vote for, say, taking the UK out of the European Union--"Brexit"--the Left finds a way to use bureaucrats to sabotage that result.

We in the U.S. have the same problem, called the Deep State.

But we're still far better off than western Europe, which is utterly lost.  Only four nations in Europe have a prayer:  Poland, Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic.  And the other EU nations are going all-out to threaten them to get with the Leftist EU program.

Democracy in most of Europe has failed.  And failed states shall follow.


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