May 01, 2018

Liberal opinion-director calls Obama "our true father," compares Trump to rapist stepfather

Unless you're a liberal you've probably never heard of an astonishingly clueless moron named Virginia Heffernan.

Consider yourself lucky.

According to Wikipedia she's "an American journalist and cultural critic."  She's been an "opinion writer" for the ghastly, conservative-hating New York Times and a so-called "fact checker" for The New Yorker.  Oh, and as a "national correspondent" for Yahoo News--which is way better than "sometimes writes for."

She writes things like "the Internet is a massive, collective work of art" and a "work in progress,"  and liberals practically faint from what seems to them to be unmatched brilliance.

Some moron writing for the Chronicle of Higher Education named her among his top candidates for "best living writer of English prose."  Seriously.  Oh, and some other moron called her "one of the mothers of the Internet."

Really, liberals have written all that.  But of course they all think Al Gore invented the Net, so they're really gullible.

So now that liberals have convinced you of this creature's brilliance, here's what she wrote yesterday:

In case that's blurry on your screen, here's the quote:
When Obama left the White House in a helicopter that horrible day, I had the impression our true father was leaving; the nation was stuck with a stepfather who was going to rape us. Now I increasingly believe that the media is the mother who won’t stand up for us.

Wow.  This sick liberal thinks of Obozo as "our true father"???

And she considers the new president--the one elected despite all her and her colleagues' efforts to lie and cheat and demonize--as "a stepfather who was going to rape us"??

Sick, sick, sick.

Virginia, you're old enough to have been sentient when Bill Clinton was accused of rape by at least 3 women.  Question, Virginia:  Did you attack Bill Clinton?  Did you fear he was "a stepfather who was going to rape us," or did you revere him as "our true father"?

This, folks, is why civil war is probably unavoidable:  Liberals like Heffernan are so utterly, totally warped that they'll never stop trying to devastate our nation--all while screaming that conservatives are the villians.

And there's something else worth noting here:  Elite liberals admire this twisted woman, having put her near the top of their pyramid of folks they worship and admire:  She's an "opinion writer" for the newspaper liberals turn to for their opinions.  One describes her as his candidate for "best living writer of English prose."

The crazier they are (think Kathy Griffin) and the more they demonize Trump, the higher they rise in the liberal hierarchy.  Truly astonishing.


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