Those who refuse to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it
Hungary's prime minister Viktor Orban seems to get it:
“Europe is under invasion … The western half of Europe looks at all this with its hands raised in surrender. Those who raise their hands have laid down their weapons, and will never again decide their own fate. The history of the defeated will later be written by others. The young of Western Europe will see this when they become minorities in their own countries, and they have lost the only place in the world that could be called home.”Orban warned that while birthrates in Europe have fallen to less than the replacement level, Africans continue to have far more children--and that over half of Africans surveyed wanted to emigrate to either Europe or the U.S. He concludes that
If Europe does nothing they will kick down the door on us. Brussels is not defending Europe and it is not halting immigration, but supports it and organises it. Brussels wants to dilute the [native] population of Europe, to replace it, to cast aside our culture, our way of life and everything which separates and distinguishes us Europeans from the other peoples of the world.Meanwhile...40 years ago a man who suffered almost a decade of ghastly imprisonment in the Soviet gulag warned the West that our politicians were clearly starting to sell us out to "globalism"--a euphemism for socialism and open-borders.
The Western world has lost its courage. [This] is particularly noticeable among the ruling and intellectual elites, causing an impression of a loss of courage by the entire society. There are many courageous individuals, but they have no [effective] influence on public life.Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was a Russian novelist who spent nine years in the communist prison labor camp system called the Gulag. He was a critic of the Soviet Union and communism, and helped tell westerners about the horrors of the Soviet system. In 1973 he published The Gulag Archipelago.
Political and intellectual [elites] exhibit this depression, passivity, and perplexity in their actions and in their statements, and even more so in their self-serving rationales as to how realistic, reasonable, even morally justified it is to base state policies on weakness and cowardice.
[These elites] get tongue-tied and paralyzed when they deal with powerful governments and threatening forces, with aggressors and international terrorists.
From ancient times a decline in courage has been considered the first symptom of the end. -- Aleksander Solzhenitsyn, commencement address at Harvard, June 8, 1978Wait, wait, citizen! This must be propaganda by imperialist warmongers! Solzhenitsyn was simply a disgruntled criminal who was justly imprisoned for criticizing Glorious Leader Stalin. So naturally he has a warped view of Communism, as anyone would who had been in jail. Besides, there is no basis for his warnings. Your politicians and elites are certainly loyal to your imperialist system.
This view is certainly endorsed by Noel Ignatiev, a 20-year steelworker and union thug, who (interestingly) wound up teaching courses at Hahvahd:
The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. Treason to the white race is loyalty to humanity." -- Noel Ignatiev, former Harvard professorIn September 2002, Harvard Magazine published an excerpt from When Race Becomes Real: Black and White Writers Confront Their Personal Histories, about Ignatiev's role in launching Race Traitor. In the excerpt Ignatiev wrote that "[t]he goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists."
He wrote that the editors of "Race Traitor" were frequently accused of being racists, to which his standard response was "to draw an analogy with anti-royalism: to oppose monarchy does not mean killing the king; it means getting rid of crowns, thrones, royal titles, etc." Ignatiev also wrote, "we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as "the white race" is destroyed—not "deconstructed" but destroyed.'"
Some conservative critics--surely all white supremacists--saw this as an example of institutional racism against white people by Harvard, by "progressive culture" and in academia. One wrote: "Suppose Frontpagemagazine ran a headline 'Abolish the Black Race'? What do you think the reaction would be? But at Harvard, demonizing whites is merely the standard curriculum."
One of the most-often quoted sayings in history is "Those who refuse to learn from the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it." Solzhenitsyn recognized a lesson or two, and warned us.
Didn't do any good, apparently. Yes, yes, I know Trump is president, but the forces of the Left-- totalitarianism with open borders and good P.R.--are close to impeaching him. Pence will try to appease those monsters by signing every bill they submit, no matter how horrible. Whereupon the Republican base will stay home, just as they will this November because of the carefully-orchestrated "omnibus spending bill" that gave the Democrats everything they wanted, while agreeing to NOT use any concrete on the small amount of border wall authorized, and to limit the number of illegals we can deport.
You could say it's astonishing, but it's actually the Left's game plan. There are clips of Schumer and Pelosi laughing that the Dems got everything they wanted.
And so it goes.
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