December 22, 2017

Former Obama national security advisor tweets that he hopes to see "obits" of top Republicans

Yesterday former Obama national security adviser Ben Rhodes tweeted that he hoped to see “obits” of the Vice-president, speaker of the House and majority leader of the senate.

Mr. Rhodes was responding to a tweet by another former Obama adviser, Dan Pfeiffer, who wrote, “I hope this is the photo they use on the front page of the Times on the day Trump is indicted.”  That tweet included a photo of President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell giving a thumbs-up after Congress gave final approval to the $1.5 trillion tax package on Wednesday.

Mr. Rhodes responded, “And alongside the obits for Ryan, McConnell, and Pence.”

Keep in mind, citizen, that Rhodes isn't just some average lunatic Democrat, but Obama's hand-picked national security advisor.  What does this tell you about Obama's advisors--and the emperor himself?

Rhodes had no prior experience in either foreign policy or national security.  His selection probably had nothing to do with the fact that his brother was the president of one of the major networks' news divisions.  Hmmmm....

Keep this in mind when the shooting starts.


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