January 08, 2016

Emperor's "town hall" is invitation-only??

Following his executive actions this week, President Obama used Democrat shill CNN to televise what both called a "town hall" to discuss gun control.

The so-called "town hall" was scheduled for George Mason University, hosted by CNN anchor Anderson Cooper.  But historically, a town hall meeting was a frank discussion between people with different viewpoints. 

What kind of faux "town hall" meeting only invites people with one, already-confirmed viewpoint?

That would be one held by the emperor and his media lackeys.

You think I'm kidding, but according to a memo sent by GMU Communications and Marketing Vice President Renell Wynn to faculty and students earlier this week, the emperor's "town hall" meeting was invitation-only.   "This is an invitation-only event. No tickets are available," the memo states. "The event is not open to the public."

How...typical of the emperor, and the attitude of most Dems:  No criticism shall appear in the mainstream media.  And since that's how most voters get their information, you've just "won" the "debate."


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