June 06, 2012

Muslims behead bound Christian convert; Left yawns

"Egypt Today" is a liberal TV talk show produced in (where else?) Egypt. A few days ago the show aired a video of Muslims in Tunisia slicing a young man's head off for the crime of converting to Christianity. Raymond Ibrahim tells the story here.

My liberal friends will no doubt counter that this is fiction, created by conservatives in an effort to scare Americans into going to war. Go to the link and draw your own conclusions.

Ibrahim also notes that executing those who leave Islam is hardly a policy of the lunatic fringe: just a week ago a top Egyptian Salafi leader openly stated that no Muslim has the right to leave Islam, based on the religion's hadiths. In fact, Muhammad explicitly ordered, "Whoever leaves his religion, kill him." Islam's most authoritative legal manuals say that apostasy is punishable by death.

"Religion of peace," my ass.


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