June 01, 2012

Impeachable act #17:

Wanna see how lawless our nation has become under Obozo and his corrupt sidekick Attorney General (and head of the laughably-named "justice" department) Eric Holder? Check this story from the Miami Herald:

Like many other states, Florida has been worried about wide-spread voting fraud, whether by non-citizens voting or by people voting for a deceased person. Because the Feds were signalling for months that they'd challenge any state law that would require would-be voters to produce photo-ID to vote, the state decided to try to purge its voter registration rolls of non-citizens and dead people.

That seems to me to be a reasonable thing for a state to do every so often.

But Holder's people disagreed, and have ordered the state to halt this project, on the ground that the state was legally obligated to get fed approval first.

So let's see if I've got this right: If a state passes a law requiring ID to vote, Obozo and Holder will cause feds to sue to overturn. State tries to remove folks who aren't legally entitled to vote from registration lists, Obozo and Holder will sue to stop.

Gee, it almost looks like Obie and Eric are trying to enable illegals and the dead to vote.

Now why in the world would they want to do that?


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