June 01, 2012

Obozo courts donors at $50,000-apiece fundraiser

Have you ever donated $5,000 to a politician or political party?


How about $10,000?



So I guess that means you're part of the "99 percent" crowd, along with virtually all the rest of us. Delightful.

So if you heard that a candidate was raising money from hundreds of people in donations of $25,000 to as much as $50,000 each, would you think those donors were just like you, or that they were in the so-called "1 percent" of the uber-rich?

Okay, so if that candidate relied that heavily on the one-percenters for tens of millions of dollars in campaign contributions, wouldn't that make you wonder how much his interests were aligned with yours, compared to being aligned with his rich donors?

The candidate, of course, is Obozo.

But wait...the left and the MSM keep telling us Obozo is the guy who stands for the common man, while Romney is the guy who represents the richest 1 percent !?

So if Obie has been raising gazillions from one-percenters, how is it that he has the absolute opposite image--as one of the "common folk"?

Must be nice to have the MSM propaganda machine in your corner all the time.


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