August 03, 2011

Dems: "Everyone must maintain civil discourse"--except themselves

Here's a fun game to while away the miles on your driving vacation this summer. It's called "Who said...?"

For instance, Democrats and the lying media initially blamed the murders of 6 people in a Tucson suburb--the shooting that wounded Democrat congresswoman Gaby Giffords--on "overheated rhetoric" and "violent language" by conservatives. They called for a ban on such indendiary language, and a return to "civil discourse."

Accordingly, see if you can guess who said the following:

1. Conservative Republicans have "strapped explosives to the Capitol."
Accused Tea Partiers of "hostage-taking" in the debt talks.
3. Responding to #2: "I agree, it's terrorism."
4. Called congressional conservatives "suicide bombers."
5. Called
conservative Republicans the "Hezbollah faction" of the party, on a "suicide mission."
6. Said of Republican representatives,
"We have negotiated with terrorists."

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1. Left-wing writer Margaret Carlson
2. Joan Walsh of Salon
3. MSNBC host Chris Matthews
Tina Brown, editor-in-chief of the leftist rag, Newsweek
5. NY Times columnist Tom Friedman
6. Democrat representative Mike Doyle (D-Pennsylvania)

I don't want to hear another word of lecture from Democrats on the importance of civil discourse. Ever.

And please note that the folks who said or wrote the above quotes weren't unpaid bloggers venting late at night, but self-styled "elites" who get paid quite well to tell the rest of us how to think and behave.

But at least several liberal pundits had the grace to apologize on national television for their fellow party members erroneously blaming the Giffords shooting on a right-wing extremist, when the guy turned out to be an unaffiliated schizophrenic. That went a long way toward healing the nastiness from the lib side.

Except--as most of you guessed--that never happened. Typical bash-and-hide tactics.

Because being a "progressive" means never having to apologize for anything.


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