August 02, 2011

Fed judge rules State can't cut taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood has been receiving your tax dollars for many years, in the form of government grants for "family planning." These funds are routed through the states in a "block grant" which the states then divide among various possible users.

The folks in Kansas decided that since PP performed abortions, they'd rather use the federal funds to support the state's public health departments and hospitals.

You can guess what happened next: PP sued to force the state to keep giving them the money. It also asked the judge to force the state to keep paying them the usual amount while their suit works its way through the courts, claiming that it would "suffer irreparable harm" if it didn't keep getting taxpayer dollars.

Yesterday a federal judge agreed, ordering the state to immediately resume funding for Planned Parenthood.

I realize this is only a "temporary injunction" but the legal effect seems perilously close to declaring that an organization that receives federal (i.e. taxpayer) dollars has a reasonable chance of winning if it sues the state if the state stops giving it money from a fed block grant.

Which is close to saying that they're entitled to keep getting your tax dollars forever.



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