Exponential debt growth--you have to see it to believe it
I tell all my students that if they only learn one math principle in college, it should be the exponential curve. I'm sure y'all know what it is but for the benefit of any young readers, that's the one that starts flat and then climbs at a higher and higher angle.
Now take a look at the graph below (or a larger version here):

Note that through 2002 the debt limit was just under $6 trillion.
Today--just nine short years later--we're bumping into a debt ceiling of $14.29 trillion. In other words, it's more than doubled in just the last ten years alone!
Worse yet, the change from 2009 to 2010--all Obama's watch, with Democrats controlling both houses of congress--was $1.9 trillion. At that rate, the debt would double again in just over seven years from now.
Come on, liberals: There's no question that both parties have helped spend more than the govt takes in. Why can't you admit that spending is out of control, and tell your party leaders to work with Republicans to start to get this monster back under control?
Or do you want to continue to pretend that the problem will magically solve itself if only the mean ol' Repubs will just cave in and give your party the $2.4 Trillion hike in the ceiling that they want?
If I were a Republican running for office, I'd ask my opponent straight up: Do you believe that if our govt continues to spend far more than we take in, year after year, there won't be any terrible consequences?
If you find yourself spending more than you make, and you're already working as many hours as you can, is the solution to a) cut spending; or b) borrow another ten grand on the credit card?
The answers to these two questions will instantly tell whether a candidate is serious or just playing the same old political games.
Now take a look at the graph below (or a larger version here):

Note that through 2002 the debt limit was just under $6 trillion.
Today--just nine short years later--we're bumping into a debt ceiling of $14.29 trillion. In other words, it's more than doubled in just the last ten years alone!
Worse yet, the change from 2009 to 2010--all Obama's watch, with Democrats controlling both houses of congress--was $1.9 trillion. At that rate, the debt would double again in just over seven years from now.
Come on, liberals: There's no question that both parties have helped spend more than the govt takes in. Why can't you admit that spending is out of control, and tell your party leaders to work with Republicans to start to get this monster back under control?
Or do you want to continue to pretend that the problem will magically solve itself if only the mean ol' Repubs will just cave in and give your party the $2.4 Trillion hike in the ceiling that they want?
If I were a Republican running for office, I'd ask my opponent straight up: Do you believe that if our govt continues to spend far more than we take in, year after year, there won't be any terrible consequences?
If you find yourself spending more than you make, and you're already working as many hours as you can, is the solution to a) cut spending; or b) borrow another ten grand on the credit card?
The answers to these two questions will instantly tell whether a candidate is serious or just playing the same old political games.
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