August 02, 2011

NYC refuses to let a film about 9/11 be shown in city parks

"The Hill" is one of a long line of left-leaning websites that claim to be non-partisan. It's showing a post titled "Rep. West to screen controversial film on 'Ground Zero' mosque."

The film is described as "controversial" because CAIR--a Muslim advocacy group--complained about it.

The Hill tips its hand by burying the real controversy in the fifth paragraph:
[The film's backers] attempted to get permission to show the film in New York City parks over the week leading up to the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, but it was denied out of concern for the content.
Didja get that? New York's elites will allow Muslims to build a mosque two blocks from the spot where other Muslims killed 2,800 Americans, but refuse to allow Christians to show a film about the attack that killed them.

And the alleged reason is said to be "concern for the content."

There's no hope for the folks who helped bring about both those decisions. The only shot at justice on this plane will be if they all have children--and if a year or so before the decision-makers go to meet their maker, they finally realize how irrevocably they've impoverished their childrens' future.


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