August 03, 2011

GOP caves on debt ceiling; MSM says Dems made all concessions

So, Obama and the Dems have succeeded in forcing an increase of $2.4 Trillion in the debt ceiling--a figure large enough to keep from having to debate this same issue again just before the 2012 election.

This of course was the main goal of both Obama and the Dems all along--because all of them knew the issue would have been devastating to them if it surfaced just before an election. (It was a given that some type of deal to increase the "ceiling" would be struck, because no pol on either side ever wanted to "shut down the government.")

So make the deal now, and count on their propagandists in the media, plus the inability of most people to remember esoteric numbers and nuances of political deals struck a year earlier.

Brilliant, actually.

The Dems used their media allies to force the GOP to cave, by convincing seniors that they wouldn't get their Social Security checks or medicare payments if the "obstructionist" GOP were to hold firm in its quest to reduce government spending.

The other artful misdirection was to push for higher taxes on oil companies, other corporations and "the rich," both of which are reliable demons to lower-class voters. The fact that corporations don't simply absorb taxes but roll them into the overall cost of doing business--and thus into prices for their products--is too subtle to resonate with most Americans.

So how much is $2.4 Trillion? Well, the entire economy of Canada has an annual value of $1.57 Trillion. Russia's economy generates $1.46 Trillion per year.

The U.S. government--by itself--will spend something like $3.6 Trillion in the coming year. And just under half of that will be borrowed money. On which your children and grandkids will pay interest until we finally default.

But the Dems weren't content with simply ruining the economy, but wanted a propaganda victory as well. So with the help of their supporters in the lying media, the myth was crafted that the Democrats had been forced to concede most of their desired goals. And that they had--by great effort and skill--fought off Republican attempts to gut so-called "entitlement programs."

The myth didn't explain how the Republicans--with a minority in the senate and a Dem president--had been able to force the Dems into making concessions, but they knew virtually no one would pick up on such a subtle defect.

For example, here's a Reuters article posted by Yahoo:
The Tea Party movement proved its political muscle by setting the agenda and forcing Obama and Boehner to repeatedly bow to its demands, although it is unclear how popular those hardline tactics will prove for more moderate voters in 2012.

"The Tea Party ceded the political center to Obama," said Dan Schnur of the University of Southern California..."They might not have gotten everything they wanted, but they came pretty close."

So according to this report the Tea Party set the agenda and "forced" Obama to "repeatedly bow to its demands." What crap.

MSNBC--which is apparently a cable entertainment channel--ran a piece from the Associated Press summarizing this huge deal. Both outfits are 100 percent supporters of all things Democrat and Obama, so as you might guess, they were giddy about it.

One of the ways to detect an article's slant is how high in the piece it first mentions any disturbing news--like, how much this fabulous, nation-saving deal raised the current $14.3 Trillion debt "ceiling." In the 22 paragraphs of the AP/MSPMS article, guess where the author chose to put that figure?

Nowhere. The writer never mentions it.

"You don't need to worry about that figure, citizen--your betters have everything under control, and we'll tell you if you need to be concerned about something."

Yahoo is another far-left site that most folks erroneously believe is objective. Here's how they reported the deal:
The one clear winner from all this seems to be President Obama. [He] can now claim the mantle of fiscal conservatism -- a surefire defense to ubiquitous Republican accusations of socialism and big government. If the debt ceiling were breached and the economy tanked, he likely would've borne the greatest political price. But by swooping in and making the deal at the last minute, Obama can say he saved the day.
Didja catch that? "If [no agreement was reached to lift the "ceiling"] and the economy tanked, [Obama] would've borne the greatest political price."

In what alternate universe would that happen? Long before the final vote, the mainstream lying media had been working overtime to paint the Republicans as "the party of 'no'"--remember that phrase?-- and the folks who would be to blame if no deal was reached. Obama and the Dems would have been blameless, even praised for fighting off GOP efforts to "balance the budget on the backs of the poor"--even though when an earlier House bill was submitted to the senate, Democrat Harry Reid refused even to allow it to be debated on the senate floor.

Well, no matter, citizen. People get the government they deserve, and 52 percent of those who voted--give or take a few tens of thousands of dead folks who fraudulently "participated", and a few more thousands of military troops who were deliberately prevented from voting by clever Democrat apparatchiks failing to mail their ballots overseas in time--chose the socialist community organizer with zero business experience.

But hey, it's all good, right? Unemployment is still under ten percent, double-digit rate hikes for electricity (due to draconian new EPA regulations on coal powerplants) are still months away, we're almost about to begin to end operations in that strategic crossroads called Libya. Illinois and California haven't formally applied for a federal bailout yet.

What's to be concerned about?

Oh, well, if you're one of those dopes who pays federal income tax, sure. But only Republicans are that stupid, so why would anyone else be concerned?


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