July 13, 2011

Snapshot of what's wrong with congress, part 8,545

The Bangor (Maine) Daily News quotes Maine's RINO senator Olympia Snowe on why she won't vote for any debt-limit deal that has any cuts in Social Security or Medicare.

The quotes show how utterly lacking in logic this person is, and they explain why politicians will never bring spending into line with revenues. Never.

"There are solvency problems with both [Social Security and Medicare],” Sen. Olympia Snowe said. “They have to be addressed but not as part of the debt reduction talks.

I see. How crazy to address out-of-control spending in SS and Medicare as part of debt-reduction talks. Far better to discuss these problems when congress is working on, say, the defense budget, or free lunches for school kids.

"The talks between the President and congressional leaders should have happened in January,” Snowe said. “Everyone knew we would be coming up against the debt limit and that we needed to take action to reduce spending but it kept being put off until it has to be addressed and it has to be addressed.

"...but it kept being put off until it has to be addressed...."

Yeah, aliens or poltergeists kept putting off the tough subject of entitlement reform. You cowardly congresscreeps had absolutely nothin' to do with it. It just kept putting itself off all by itself. Yeah, right.

"...until it has to be addressed and it has to be addressed."

"But I, senator Snowe, and my Democrat co-conspirators, aren't going to address this problem, nor are we going to vote for any deal that does, because...well, you know, 'it has to be addressed.' So we're not gonna do that. Cuz' we're smarter than you."

Yes, senator Moron, that makes perfect sense.

Freedom is slavery. War is peace. Congresscreeps can look at the sun and claim not to see it.


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