August 09, 2010

Democrat Slush-fund bill they won't even *name*

Congress is rushing back to DC this week to pass a $26 Billion slush-fund bill to benefit teachers unions and public employees unions:

(AP)-– House members are [coming back to DC this week in the middle of the August recess] to pass a jobs bill that Democrats say is crucial to the nation’s well-being.

The unusual in-and-out session was called because the Senate waited until after the House had already recessed for its summer break to pass a $26 billion bill to prevent tens of thousands of teachers and an equal number of other state and local government workers from being laid off before the November election.

With the new school year just weeks away...Democrats had no choice but to act quickly. Many of those whose jobs are being saved belong to teacher unions or the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, two key components of the Democrats’ political base whose [votes] in November could determine whether they lose control of Congress.

Now for one of the unintended but all-too-revealing consequences:

The bill has been named the “______Act of____,” --literally, with the blanks--apparently because of the haste with which Senate Democrats wanted to ram the bill into law.

The Senate’s substitute amendment on this $26 billion spending bill had a "placeholder name," and the Senate didn't bother taking the time to replace the placeholder before going home.

The Constitution requires both must pass identical bills--including the name. With the Senate recessed until September, passing a correcting amendment in both houses would delay the bill until then. Thus for Democratic leaders to get the bill out quickly, the House will have to pass it as the “______Act of____”.

So the House is expected to return this week and pass the Senate amendment--with the inadvertently revealing name--before sending it to the president.

If it passes--as expected, given the huge Democratic majority--the “law with no name” will stand as a lasting example of the speed with which the Democratic majority in Congress has been cramming its outrageous bills down the nation's throat. Giving $26 Billion taxpayer dollars to their union donors and supporters is business as usual for Democratic lawmakers, and they're determined to go forward even if they're forced to pass a bill they won't even take the time to name.

But when it comes to bills to fund continuing operations of our armed forces, the Dems will add every piece of crap pork they can devise, threatening delay on delay until conservatives are finally forced to accept the crap to keep funding the troops.

And yet Dems will loudly proclaim they "support our troop."


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