August 07, 2010

Islam supports women's rights--really, trust us!

The cover of Time magazine’s August issue shows a head shot of an 18-year-old Afghan woman named Bibi Aisha, who was abused in an arranged marriage and fled from her in-laws' home.

The Taliban found this offensive. So they punished her by cutting off her nose and ears.

If you have the courage, click on the link to see the Time cover.

American leftists, "moral relativists," pacifists and assorted cretins need to understand beyond any doubt that Aisha's ghastly, unimaginably painful mutilation is not an accident of war, like a stray round. Rather, it is the Taliban's idea of a reasonable punishment for women who have the temerity to flee from abusive, arranged marriages.

Turn that over in your mind for a bit.

To make matters worse--if that's even possible: Now a U.K. professor (in "postcolonial studies"), Priyamvada Gopal, has written an article complaining that by running the cover, Time is “condensing Afghan reality into simplistic morality tales”:
Misogynist violence is unacceptable, but...
Ah. The but.
...but we must also be concerned by the continued insistence that the complexities of war, occupation and reality itself can be reduced to bedtime stories.

Ah, yes: the "insistence" on reducing "complexities of war" to simple "bedtime stories."

Sorry, I've got to call Leftist Academic Bullshit here. If I understand Gopal's bullshitbabble correctly (and I'd be only too happy for Gopal to explain what she did mean if not what she seemed to write), this twat is trying to convince you that what your lyin' eyes are seeing--in living, shocking color on the cover of Time--is somehow an unfair simplification of a reeeally complicated situation.

Ya see, if you simpletons in the U.S. --okay, the flyover states, at least--look at the picture on the cover of Time and think, "God damn, the assholes who did this are clearly inhuman and deserve to be shot on sight," you've totally oversimplified the situation.

Let your betters in academia--like Gopal--nuance it up for ya: The Taliban are actually peaceful practitioners of the Religion of Peace, and all they wanted to do was scare Aisha into going back to her husband. But she panicked and ran... into their knives. Several times.

So, like, it's not really their fault, see? In fact, isn't it really her fault for bucking the established order of society in Muslim countries? Yeahhh, dat's it.

Spare me, Ms. Postcolonial Studies. You're a stellar example of someone using a college education to provide cover for evil, and that's all there is to it.

Either you are as evil as the Taliban whose works you defend--albeit so marvelously indirectly--or you simply do not recognize evil.

As I see it, that's a flaw that should disqualify you from further participation in the debates of the living.

h/t David Thompson


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