August 06, 2010

Bet you never heard this quote

Eight months before the U.S. presidential election of 2008, one of the candidates said this:
I think people understand the notion of talking to our enemies. If FDR can meet with Stalin and Nixon can meet with Mao and Kennedy can meet with Khrushchev and Reagan can meet with Gorbechav, then the notion that we can't meet with some half-baked dictator is ridiculous.

Moonbat #1: "Had to be Sarah Palin. After all, the speaker uses FDR and Stalin as examples of enemies meeting, but everyone with an IQ over room temperature knows that during WW2, the U.S. and the Soviets were allies."

Moonbat #2: "Nah, if it'd been Palin it woulda' been on that reel of stupid Palin gaffes, like 'Hey, I can see Russia from my front porch!' Har har har!! So I'm thinkin' it had to be McCain."

More well-read moonbat: "Biden?"

No, my wonderfully biased liberal moonbats, it was none other than Duh Won, the Second Coming, "we are the ones we've been waiting for:" Barrack Hussein Obama.

Source, you ask? Oh darn, ya got me! It's one of those wacko places where only tinfoil-hat extremists post, so probably a total fabrication. Yes, that's right, dahlinks: Huffington Post.

So... can you imagine the headlines in the NYT and WaPo if Palin had said something that revealed such an apparent severe misunderstanding of history? Can you imagine how many times we'd have seen that comment repeated by the MFM to drive home the talking point?

But I'll bet you a beer you didn't hear that quote before just now.

Hmmmm....wonder why that might be?

Oh yeah: It didn't fit The Narrative.

(h/t to commenter Davod at Belmont Club)


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