How the Dems changed the rules on Medicare and Medicaid to give trannies "free" sex-changes
Back in 2010 Obama and the Democrats passed the cunningly misnamed "Affordable Care Act"--quickly dubbed Obamacare--without a single Republican vote. It passed by a single vote, and to get every Dem in congress to vote yes on that ghastly POS, Obozo had to make two "promises." First, the bill was so astronomically expensive (taxpayer-funded "free" medical care for everyone) that Obozo had to promise that illegal aliens wouldn't be eligible. And second, that taxpayer dollars would NOT be used to pay for abortions.
Of course neither of those provisions was actually written into the bill--a fact quickly noted before the final vote. But Obama *solemnly promised* the worried Dem congresscreeps that even though his promises were NOT in the actual, y'know, LAW, he was promising he'd interpret the law that way.
Those promises were instantly broken, just as Obama's *promise* that "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
The main author of the bill--a lying sack of shit MIT economist named Jon Gruber--later bragged that the only way the Dems were able to pass the thing was "due to the stupidity of the American public."
SO that was passed in 2010. Just four years later--with Obozo still in power--the Democrats repealed a rule that Medicare wouldn't pay for sex-change operations for seniors. You have to be 65 to qualify for Medicare, and since only a handful of people over 65 wanted to change sex, the new rule only increased Medicare spending by a few million dollars a year. And because the Media knew most voters wouldn't approve of spending money so stupidly, the Media said nothing about the change, so few voters outside the tranny mafia ever knew the Democrats had changed the rule
Then two years later the Obama regime completed their sweep by decreeing that MedicAID funds--which pay for medical care for people under 65 if they make less than about 1.4 times the federal poverty income)--could now be used to pay for sex-change operations for every poor person, regardless of age.
But now, because school counselors and Hollywood had conned tens of thousands of young Americans into believing they were "born in the wrong body," a lot more Medicaid dollars were being spent on sex-change operations than when the regime ordered MediCARE to cover those procedures. But once again, the Media allies of the Dem regime barely mentioned this huge change, so most Americans never knew about it.
But all young people who wanted to change "genders" knew right away, and from January 2018 to September 2023, 16 states funneled over $165 million toward what was euphemistically called “gender-affirming care," or "gender-transition services.”
Sounds so innocuous, eh? That was the point of the cunning re-name.
But gets even better! MedicAID is administered by the states, using federal (taxpayer) money, and each state gets to choose (within broad limits) what medical conditions it will use its federal MedicAID funds to pay for. So California--home to the largest population of mentally ill--ruled that MedicAID funds would now pay for sex-change operations for prisoners, illegal aliens, and even illegal aliens in prison.
Of course you knew that, right? Wait...y'say you never heard about that? Wow, I'm...not surprised.
Before last year's election the Trump campaign ran an ad noting that the Democrat Partei's nominee for president of the whole United States--Cackles Harris--had supported this use of taxpayer funds. Harris's handlers didn't bother trying to craft an ad countering this, probably because consultants felt that trying to counter the Trump ad would make more voters aware of it.
What's really astonishing is that this moronic, corrupt, racist creature came within 1.5% of being president.
So..,your tax dollars at work: $165 million of 'em over five years for sex-change operations. Is that a good use of your tax dollars? Probably not, but no matter, cuz you didn't get a say in the matter. The Democrats rammed it down your throat, just like all the other pro-tranny bullshit.
We're not quite done: On June 15, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act--which prohibits discrimination in employment based on sex--was actually intended by congress to ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
The court's written decision didn't actually use the phrase "intended by congress" because congress clearly did NOT have "gender identity" in mind when it amended the Civil Rights Act, since trannies hadn't yet become a major cause of the Democrat party. I added "intended by congress" because it's a well-known principle of law that laws not be interpreted to have an effect NOT intended by those who passed a particular law. And clearly, in 1964 congress had no idea about trannies. None.
Title VII specifically addresses discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, and other aspects of employment. But the warped pieces of sh*t who infest the Deep State used the court's ruling in an employment case (Bostock v. Clayton County) to support its earlier decree that trannies had the absolute right to demand that their sex-change operations be paid with taxpayer dollars!
An unbelievable stretch of illogic. But they saw their opening and took it, and you didn't get to say jack-shit about it, eh? That's "democracy," Democrat-style.
Fairness in employment is pretty reasonable. But demanding that taxpayers pay for your sex change is much less so. But the Deep State ORDER--a few paragraphs published in the tens of thousands of pages of the Federal Register--never got the attention of voters. The Mainstream Media either didn't notice it, or more likely didn't want YOU to know it.
Funerals are usually solemn, serious affairs, and because "Aimee" was so obviously male, the owners of the funeral home believed their reputation as a serious business would be toast if they kept "Aimee" as a funeral director. So they fired him. Naturally "Aimee" turned to the ghastly EEOC, which used taxpayer funds to sue the former employer on his behalf.
Tellingly, the f'n Supreme Court, in its written ruling, always refers to "Aimee" as "she"--which makes it obvious that the Court has bought the tranny bullshit line, all the way. The court has tipped its hand that it favors trannies, by using "she" to refer to an obvious male. So much for science, eh?
Twenty years from now people will look back on this utter insanity and regard it the same way we do with the court's infamous ruling in the Dred Scott case. (If you're not familiar with that case, blame your highschool teachers.)
So the Deep State used the court's Bostock ruling--in an employment case--to support the Deep State's ORDER that from now on taxpayers must pay for sex-change operations for anyone who can't afford it.
Starting to understand how you're being played yet? And this is one of the most fiercely-defended planks of the Democrat party! Amazing.
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