March 06, 2025

Ads air on 23 TV stations of 23 Democrat senators reading exactly the same speech

Conservative have the best ideas by far.  Unfortunately the Democrats have read "Rules for Radicals" and the Communist playbook, and know how to use their adoring Media supporters to control the language--and the communication channels. 

The 23 Democrat senators below just broadcast videos of themselves reading exactly the same script, word for word, to the camera, overlaid with the exact same graphics, to be played by TV stations in their respective states It's amazing. 

Dem consultants and strategists wrote the script, and overlaid the same graphics, and provided the exact same slides to be inserted.  They counted on the fact that Dem voters in each state would see their senator reading this really convincing speech and would be very impressed, eh?

The partei probably didn't anticipate that Dem voters would see senators from other states reading exactly the same script--word for word, interspersed with the same graphics, slides and video clips.   And even if a few voters happened to catch a video of a senator from another state making what seemed to be a very similar speech, they'd just assume it was coincidence.

The Dems didn't count on conservative activists finding and recording the videos made by all 23, which makes the propaganda effort clear.  But even after we find all 23 as actors in exactly the same scene, reading the same lines, so what, right?  It's like a national campaign ad, just with different actors reading the lines.

It's like those allegedly "spontaneous demonstrations by ordinary citizens," who just happen to be carrying identical, professionally-printed signs.  Total coincidence, right?  Dis wasn't a fake "grass roots" protest at all, deplorable!  Dey iz ordinary folks jus' like yew, whut jus' happen t'be carryin'  matching, professionally-printed signs!  See?  Totally authentic! big deal.  It just shows yet again that the Dems are way better at this than we are.


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